ITR 2022

Crowe wins recognition as one of the top Tax and Transfer Pricing Firms in Malaysia

ITR Asia-Pacific Tax Awards 2022

ITR 2022

Crowe has won recognition as one of the top Malaysia Tax Firms of the Year and Malaysia Transfer Pricing Firms of the Year by the International Tax Review (ITR) in their 2022 Asia Tax Awards Shortlist.

ITR APAC 2022 Shortlist

(Source: ITR Asia-Pacific Tax Awards 2022)

The ITR Asia Pacific Tax Awards recognizes the best tax, transfer pricing, and tax dispute teams in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. Nominees submit their work experience and are judged based on the complexity of the work done, the creativity used to solve tax issues, and the overall benefit delivered to the client. In addition to technology, innovation, policy, compliance and reporting, the awards consider diversity, equity, and inclusion in their criteria.

We are truly honored by this achievement which is a testament to our capability and expertise in the areas of taxation and transfer pricing. We look forward to delivering top-quality service to our clients with the support of our tax team.


Our Service Leaders

Poon Yew Hoe
Yew Hoe Poon
Location: Kuala Lumpur
Foo Meng Huei
Meng Huei Foo
Head of Tax
Location: Kuala Lumpur
Song Sylvia
Sylvia Song
Location: Kuala Lumpur