Jimmy Ung

Jimmy Ung

Partner, Audit
Kuala Lumpur

Professional Summary

  • At Crowe Malaysia, Jimmy heads one of the audit divisions. He is also involved in forensic, listing and fund raising exercises. His responsibilities include the management of audit assignments of public-listed companies and large SMEs covering a wide range of industries.


  • Jimmy started his accountancy career when he joined a medium sized firm in London upon completing his ACCA in 1994. He then came back to Malaysia and joined an international accounting firm in 1996. He was involved in the audits of various entities, publicly listed and non-publicly listed companies as well as performing financial due diligence exercises.
  • He then joined a multi-national hygiene company in 2002 as a finance manager before returning to the audit profession in 2004.

Professional Affiliations

  • A fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK (FCCA)
  • A member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA)
  • A committee member of MIA’s Practice Review Committee (PRC)

Client & Industry Focus

  • Privately-held and listed companies
  • Oil & Gas
  • Construction
  • Property Development
  • Hotel Operations
  • Logistics
  • Telecommunications
  • IT
  • Education


  • Completed ACCA at Emile Woolf College of Accountancy in London
  • Completed “O” and “A” GCE levels at Brentwood School, England