

Your global alternative for audit services

Is your audit provider delivering the audit value you deserve?
We provide statutory and non-statutory audit services to entities in a in a multitude of business environments. We adopt a proactive approach and our audits are carried out under current auditing standings.

We provide audit and assurance services to a wide variety of corporate and non–corporate entities operating both locally and internationally.
These entities can be classified in the following broad categories:


  • Private Companies
  • Limited Life Companies (LLC)
  • Protected Cell Companies (PCC)


Foreign branches

  • Global Business  License (GBL)
  • Authorized  Company (AC)
  • Trust Companies


Non Corporate 

  • Sole traders
  • Partnerships
  • Associations
  • Charitable bodies
  • Foundations


                             Audit type

We carry out statutory and non-statutory audits and special reviews. Statutory audits are conducted in compliance with the Companies Act 2001 and in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing (ISA) issued by the International Federation of Accountant (IFAC) and the audit techniques developed by the Crowe Global. We additionally carry out special purpose audits in accordance with ISA and special reviews on behalf of clients. Special purpose reviews are designed to be of assistance to management on key issues and specific areas of interest.


Techniques such as the Crowe Horwath International Audit Template (CHIAT) which make us a near paperless firm.

 The non-statutory audits are for the non-corporate clients. However, the auditing approach used is similar to those applicable to statutory audits.