
Roberto Betti

Associate Partner

Lawyer in Rome and Milan for over 40 years, expert in tax law and litigation, international, domestic and not-for-profit taxation, registered as a legal auditor.

He practised as a tax judge for over 15 years, currently at the Regional Tax Commission of Lombardy.

He was, among other things, scientific head of the Ernst & Young Study Centre, coordinator and teacher of the Master of International Taxation.

Chairman and member of boards of statutory auditors in corporations and non-profit associations. 

Consultant to Federmanager (National Federation of Industrial Company Managers) and CIDA (Italian Confederation of Company Managers).
Member of the Technical Table set up by the Ministry of Economy for the reform of the tax system ("Vieri Ceriani" commission on tax expenditures 2011).

Representative at CNEL of the Italian Confederation of Company Managers at the technical table for the reform of the tax system (2021).
Author of numerous publications and articles on tax matters.
Lecturer at important private organisations and financial administration.