
Risk & Compliance

Crowe is able, also through its global network, to support its clients on a worldwide basis in the management of strategic, financial or operative risks. 

An effective management of risks helps minimize the impact of these factors as well as allows management to take proactive steps to optimize the opportunities that come up while pursuing the company's goals. In this sense, companies have already understood that “risk” is not a charge, but on the contrary, if correctly managed, could become a critical factor of success and a source of competitive advantage. Crowe is able to provide its clients with services and projects tailored on the real needs and characteristics of each client, using innovative and cost-effective methodologies.

Our aim is to create value for our clients and their stakeholders, as to increase their reputational advantage and market trust.

Services offered

Insert Title
Internal Audit
Corporate Reputation
Insert Title
Internal Audit

Support to Internal Audit Officers and/or Internal Control Officers:

  • Assistance assignments in the installation of the function and process of Internal Audit at listed companies with activities in Italy and abroad
  • Performance of numerous Internal Audit assignments in Italy and abroad, through the provision of staff and/or the management of the assignment
  • Classroom training assignments of Internal Audit resources of listed companies
  • Assignments of analysis of user-profiles on company information systems and verification of compliance with the requirements of Segregation of Tasks
232/01 Template

Activities with listed and unlisted companies, subsidiaries of multinational groups, large companies and Smes.

Below are the contents and methodologies of our assistance:

  • Design phase
  • Risk Profiling (Risk Assessment)
  • Risk Management Strategies
  • Drafting of the Code of Ethics
  • Modelling Organizational Structure
  • Support of Experts and other Professionals
  • Organization and management model
  • Support to Odvs in main taining and monitoring Model 231 (Visual Audit)

Assistance in compliance with the provisions issued by the National Anti-corruption Authority.

  • Risk Profiling (Risk Assessment)
  • Assistance in drafting the Three-Year Plan for the Prevention of Corruption (PTPC)
  • Integrative measures Mod. 231
  • Transparency measures
  • Adoption Single Document
  • Evaluation of impacted functions
Non-financial Declaration
  • It allows the understanding of the business activity, its performance, its results and the impact of the same product describing the issues related to sustainability, such as the environment, employees, human rights, the fight against corruption and governance
  • DNF is mandatory for Eips (Public Interest Entities) and is placed within the management relationship and/or other documents required by law
  • Coordination with Mod. 231, Management Systems, Corporate Policy, Risk Management and Internal Audit
Corporate Reputation

Income is no longer the only indicator that highlights the efficiency and value of a business.

Support in the processing of:

  • Company policies oriented to sustainability and social responsibility according to CSR criteria
  • DNF voluntary
  • Best Practices: management systems, certifications, legality ratings
