Use cloud-based solutions to solve non-cloud problems

Mike Grob
Use cloud-based solutions to solve non-cloud problems

Your business problems might not seem like they have anything to do with the cloud. But cloud-based solutions can address lots of “non-cloud” issues. As your business needs evolve, it's easy to find yourself hampered by aging IT infrastructure that poses cybersecurity challenges and hinders collaboration or flexibility. 

Not only are your competitors likely already moving to the cloud, but they are probably also using it to rethink their IT strategy. Now is the right time for you to implement a cloud strategy that offers your company greater efficiency, reduced costs, and increased security.  

No matter what stage you are in with your journey into the cloud, you can unlock new benefits for your business. Here are a few examples. 

Your data visibility can be improved

Cloud-based connectivity is the key to taking advantage of advances in internet of things (IoT) technology. Many companies are integrating IoT into a variety of devices to keep up with current strategies that include integrating machinery, automation, and advanced analytics to improve efficiency. 

Even a 30-year-old piece of equipment on the shop floor can be made “smarter” with the cloud. You can start by automating the data your machines and devices already are collecting with a secure connection in the cloud. Then, you can continue your cloud migration as equipment needs to be replaced or is too expensive to upgrade. Your employees also will be able to seamlessly alternate between tools without manually transferring information, which can be a time-consuming process that wastes valuable resources and increases the possibility of human error.  

You likely can be doing more with the cloud, but it can be hard to know the right place to start. Crowe can help.

Your cybersecurity practices can be strengthened

You can gain greater visibility and control by working with insights that are available only with the cloud, which supports a “zero trust” model. This approach denies all access by default. It also evaluates access from multiple perspectives, such as by device, the location of the requestor, and the type of data requested. Through this lens, it is easier to mitigate and detect cybersecurity attacks and data hacks. 

Dealing with security risk might feel intimidating, with numerous connections, systems, and databases that need continual monitoring and updating. In the cloud, you can achieve security policies that are far more effective and efficient to monitor at a much lower cost. You also can effectively update governance, risk, and compliance models through the cloud to provision workloads.

Your DevOps practices can be more productive and valuable

Your DevOps practices can be more productive and valuable

DevOps, or the combination of strategies, processes, and technology to enable continuous delivery of value to your end users, is now synonymous with the cloud. If you haven’t adopted DevOps practices yet, you quickly will see positive impacts on your business in an attainable and affordable way with the cloud. You can begin with existing on-premises tools and migrate them to the cloud to automate and optimize processes. Eventually, you will develop, roll out, and integrate applications much faster and reduce overhead on operational expenses. 

DevOps practices are more effective in the cloud. You can introduce innovative cloud-based solutions faster by using new capabilities and reducing the time needed for feedback. By swiftly responding to changing market demands, you can deliver stronger customer satisfaction and enjoy better business results. Faster feedback also provides an opportunity to reduce waste and eliminate inefficient or ineffective operations. 

Your disaster recovery plan can be efficient

No one wants to lose vital information to ransomware, data breaches, natural disasters, or other threats. You can help protect your business with flexible cloud-based solutions that enable efficient recovery and are easily accessible anytime information is compromised. 

Many organizations experience common pitfalls. They focus on backing up their data but don’t factor in how long it might take to recover and restart. They don’t close gaps in coverage, which can lead to overspending. Or they don’t have a regular testing plan, leaving their business vulnerable when they might need vital data the most. Thanks to ongoing monitoring and testing in the cloud, you can have a production-grade system back up and running in minutes versus hours or days, saving you not only time but potentially money as well. 

Your strategic technology can showcase your company to new talent

Young talent expects to work in cloud-based IT environments that encourage mobility and accessibility from virtually anywhere on the planet. Make your company an attractive destination for talented new employees by embracing the flexibility and agility of cloud platforms. 

New employees can work with your existing IT staff to find unique solutions to problems that previously might have been too expensive or difficult to solve. Existing employees also can share the breadth of their experiences and knowledge to help rebuild and modernize existing on-premises technology in the cloud. By playing to the strengths of your entire team, you can shift the focus of the company to IT-led innovation and advancement.

Contact us

Regardless of your industry or experience, we can help you take full advantage of the cloud capabilities offered by platforms like Microsoft Azure™ and Amazon Web Services to improve your business. Take your first step by reaching out to the Crowe team of experienced cloud engineers. 
Mike Grob
Mike Grob
Principal, Consulting
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