What is professional services automation (PSA) software?

| 6/15/2021
What is Professional Services Automation (PSA) software?

PSA software is often referred to as “ERP for service organizations.”

So, is there a difference between PSA software and ERP software?

First, I’ll give you the short answer: not really. When you compare the purposes and main functionality of professional services automation software and enterprise resource planning software, they are basically the same.

However, there are some subtle differences and reasons why one term might be used over the other. Having a good understanding of what both PSA software and ERP software have to offer is a good starting point – especially if you are thinking about investing in a system to help manage your business.

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PSA software brings (almost) all of your business functions together.

Almost any business can benefit from a management system that combines all the separate systems used for time tracking, invoicing, resource planning, business intelligence, and collaboration. But professional services automation software is designed to meet the needs of the professional services industry more specifically.

Meanwhile, enterprise resource planning systems are designed for manufacturing businesses or those focused on creating or selling products. Therefore, separate terms emerged for both software types, even though they set out to do very similar things.

These days, you’ll find few differences between the functionality of a system that calls itself “professional services automation software” versus one that identifies as “enterprise resource planning software.”

However, some PSA software will not include the robust accounting and financial management functionality included with an ERP system. You may need to move information from the PSA software into your financial system and vice versa – and this is a vital issue to ask about before purchasing a system.

In contrast to PSA software, ERP software like NetSuite is known for its robust financial capabilities, making reporting and big-picture decision-making much easier.

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NetSuite consulting services

Professional services companies have now used NetSuite for decades.

We’ve watched as NetSuite has released professional services automation features to meet the growing and evolving needs – and we’ve been there for our clients to fine-tune those features, so they work just the way they need them to.

Whether you’re looking to grow a professional services business, a manufacturing business, or anything in between, you might be surprised at how many specialized options are available.

If you’re interested in learning more about PSA software or seeing a 30-minute demo, please contact our team of NetSuite specialists.

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Simon Riley
Simon Riley
Principal, NetSuite Solutions Leader
Steven Parker
Steven Parker
Managing Director, Consulting
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Alejandro Alvarez
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