3 ways a custom ERP can drive your business

Christine Cameron
| 12/21/2021
3 ways a custom ERP can drive your business

Adapting has become the norm since COVID-19 began. Markets are ever-changing and business models have shifted.

People have started prioritizing the customer experience more, and this means they want businesses to sell directly to them – from the comfort of their own home. You’ve probably had to adjust and break out of your comfort zone to meet these needs.

Maybe you’ve already seen how much easier an ERP solution can make your life – with automated processes, consolidated systems, and increased cash flow. But what if you are missing out on some benefits that a customized ERP solution could bring you?

We get it. Moving away from native functionality and customizing your ERP seems daunting. Your fears can be overwhelming – ERP customization could be costly. Or complicated. And it could disrupt what your solution is already doing.

When you’re trying to focus on your bottom line, you need to make sure you’re getting the most out of your customized ERP solution.

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A customized ERP can provide new opportunities for you to scale.

Although customizing can feel nerve-wracking, it doesn’t have to. We’ve tailored custom ERP solutions to hundreds of different businesses to help them scale. Your experienced Crowe team can:

  • Do a deep analysis of your organization’s business processes and requirements to determine your specific ERP needs.
  • Work with your organization to define which business processes need customization to improve efficiency.
  • Provide accelerators to get your custom ERP up and running.

Here are three ways customizing your NetSuite ERP can drive your business forward.

1. Customize with point and click.

Your order screens can be convoluted and difficult to manage. You need them to be consolidated and easy to understand, but you don’t have a lot of extra bandwidth outside your normal job functions.

Imagine being able to customize your application capabilities at the click of a button. No programming language needed. That means anyone on your team has the ability to make changes. Customization with point and click is user-friendly and easy to follow.

Not only will you be saving yourself time, your order and transaction processes will be much easier to complete.

2. Eliminate mundane data entry.

Processing data manually can pose a big risk for your business. You risk losing time and money with blanks, duplicate entries, and human error.

So many systems require data entry, but you don’t have the time to be plugging in information day in and day out. You need the capacity to focus on larger projects with the goal of scaling your business.

NetSuite can update and capture your data in real time, integrating it to a single source. This means less time with mundane data entry, and more time growing your business.

3. Automate approvals.

Manual approval processes can take up a lot of your time and have a higher chance of mistakes. There are many approvals to keep track of – time-off requests, invoices, expenses, and more. With physical requests, it can be easy to get lost in the shuffle.

By automating, you could be saving yourself a lot of grief by having more control over approval workflows, providing more transparency, and allowing your organization’s requests to be approved faster.

Automated approvals could bring you peace of mind with:

  • Editable templates for different types of approval workflows
  • Better compliance with easily-saved, reviewable records
  • Easier collaboration for complex approvals

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While it’s important to have a complete understanding of your budget for an ERP implementation, it can be hard to focus on the positives when all you’re seeing is costs.

Yes, it may cost you money. But remember the amazing benefits that led you to start this journey toward automation in the first place:

  • Integrate your entire business with improved visibility and efficiency.
  • Improve your confidence in purchasing decisions with accurate, real-time cost reporting.
  • Quickly access powerful accounting information and forecasting with the touch of a button.
  • Save money and transform the productivity of your employees with the automation of mundane tasks.
  • Delight your customers with live tracking and automated order updates.

You’re not alone in this process. We can come alongside and show you the ropes to help avoid surprises.

Want to know how?

Contact us to get in touch with an experienced NetSuite consultant.

Interested in learning more?

Contact us to discuss a custom ERP for your organization.
Simon Riley
Simon Riley
Principal, NetSuite Solutions Leader
Christine Cameron
Alejandro Alvarez
Alejandro Alvarez
Principal, Consulting