3 steps to a rewarding NetSuite implementation

Alejandro Alvarez
| 1/13/2022
3 steps to a rewarding NetSuite implementation

In today’s competitive and ever-changing business landscape, your internal processes are critical to staying ahead. Your customers are expecting more out of your business than ever before.

Implementing a NetSuite ERP can help support major activities within your organization and integrate data to one source of truth – improving efficiency.

If you can’t carry out a successful NetSuite implementation, it can create a loss of loyalty with your customers – leading to wasted time and money. It’s important to recognize the pitfalls that can cause an implementation to fail:

  • Lack of clear project expectations and executive buy-in
  • Improper data migration and implementation strategy
  • Failure to manage organizational change management within your team
  • Unavailability of key stakeholders

But if done correctly, your NetSuite implementation can bring about rewarding changes in your organization.

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You’re not alone in this process. 

There are a lot of facets to think about before you follow through with a NetSuite implementation, but you don’t have to go at it alone. We’ve successfully implemented hundreds of NetSuite ERPs and can help you do the same.

Here are three considerations that could result in a smooth NetSuite implementation.

1. Pick an implementation strategy that fits your business.

You’ll have to decide on your NetSuite implementation strategy based on your resources and long-term goals for your organization. You can tailor this for your unique needs.

The “big bang” strategy means that you will replace your legacy system with an ERP all at once, in a single phase. A “phased” approach is where your ERP modules are introduced in a planned sequence.

Either way, we can support you with our proven NetSuite implementation methodology:

  1. Structure: Identify requirements needed to bring structure to the implementation.
  2. Analyze: Define how ERP will be built out to meet the requirements.
  3. Build: Run sequences to validate how they support each area of the business.
  4. Confirm: Perform final confirmation of system, data, and people readiness.
  5. Deploy: Train end users and transition to the new ERP system.

2. Choose an experienced implementation team.

Your main goal should be to get the most return on investment out of your NetSuite implementation. Sometimes they can take months, or even years, to complete.

With industry-specific knowledge and experience, a great team can help you save time and money on your project.

These are some of the boxes you should check before choosing a team:

  • Do they have certifications and good references?
  • What is their plan for post-implementation training and support?
  • Can they provide customization?
  • How many NetSuite implementations have they completed?
  • Can they provide a list of resources and coordination members who will be working on your project?
  • Will they sign or provide a statement of designated responsibilities?

3. Clearly understand all the costs.

Costs can hold you back from moving forward with a project, so it’s important to evaluate them thoroughly. Since NetSuite is a cloud-based solution, you can start upfront with a smaller number of users to control costs. You can always upgrade your subscription as needed.

There are a number of factors that contribute to your NetSuite implementation cost, including:

  • Number of user licenses
  • Duration of the project
  • Cost of base editions
  • Scope of the project
  • Additional cost of NetSuite implementation services

Knowing all the costs will help you make the most educated decision for your organization. Processes can run more smoothly from start to finish – without getting stuck due to lack of clarity with your budget.

Depend on a NetSuite implementation partner that goes the distance.

We’ve got an implementation model for every need. And when you need continued NetSuite support, you'll still be talking to the same Crowe team you started with.

NetSuite consulting services

NetSuite consulting services

Your path to a rewarding NetSuite implementation is crystal clear. 

The NetSuite platform has the ability to transform your organization. It’s all about finding the best strategy to fit your specific needs.

At Crowe, we have years of experience implementing ERPs. We are happy to serve as a NetSuite implementation guide and take the guesswork out of your implementation – leaving you with all of the rewarding benefits.

Interested in learning more?

Contact us to discuss implementing a NetSuite ERP for your organization.
Simon Riley
Simon Riley
Principal, NetSuite Solutions Leader
Steven Parker
Steven Parker
Managing Director, Consulting
Alejandro Alvarez
Alejandro Alvarez
Principal, Consulting