3 best practices for a successful ERP implementation

| 11/3/2021
3 best practices for ERP implementation success

You’ve been down this road before. How do you scale your business and increase revenues without adding extra work for you and others on your team?

You may have even come up with a customized solution, but it’s not integrating well with your current systems. Work continues to pile up.

Pressure is rising from your team members. You’re tasked with finding a way to eliminate manual processes and cut costs – all while meeting compliance requirements.

After many stress-filled days, you’ve done your research and have decided your best option is to automate your processes with an ERP system. But even so, you’ve heard the common stat that over 50% of ERP implementations still fail. And that doesn’t exactly put your mind at ease.

You know it can be a very uncomfortable conversation with your boss if the ERP implementation starts to go sideways, but you have done the research and you know this is the best way to come out ahead.

The reward is great. But the risk feels big too. You have a lot on the line and you’re no longer sure if all the time worrying will be worth it.

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Your next move should be to join forces with a skilled team – one that uses ERP implementation best practices they learned through hundreds of successful projects.

We know how important it is for you to have confidence in your ERP implementation. Thankfully after many years of technology consulting, we’ve developed a proven methodology and best practices for ERP implementation success that can guide you through the process with ease – saving you a lot of headaches.

And in this blog post, we reveal three of them.

These 3 ERP implementation best practices are proven to lead you to success.

1. Secure buy-in from your leadership team.

Buy-in starts from the top. One of the biggest landmines of a failed ERP implementation is lacking support from your leadership team. If you can’t secure 100% buy-in, you won’t have the resources you need to move forward.

So how do you end up with the backing of your leaders?

Start with making your vision of the ERP implementation crystal clear. Paint a picture of the benefits the solution will bring – all the processes it will simplify. Hiring someone full time will be necessary to track project success.

Yes, it’s a large investment upfront, and that can be jarring. But make the end results clear. Saving time, streamlining processes, and cutting costs is a dream for the bottom line.

Convince your leadership team that this project can’t be an afterthought. Without their backing, a successful ERP implementation can’t be attainable.

2. Provide your team with an exciting change management plan.

Changing the way things have always been can be painful. Teams may not be 100% on board initially. Especially if it means they are being taken away from their current role and having extra work thrown onto their plate.

This is your opportunity to align and train your team, articulate your vision for success and show how the ERP implementation can ultimately make everyone’s jobs – and lives – a lot better.

How can you make an ERP implementation more fun?

Promote the ERP implementation using creative taglines, mascots, or friendly team competitions to create excitement. It doesn’t all have to be by the book.

What is the best way to keep the project on course?

Project management is a crucial step in making sure everyone is on the same page. While comprehensive project management is typically provided by your ERP implementation team at Crowe, it is crucial to have a detail-oriented project manager from your team that will be responsible for oversight on training and regular communication to make sure all needs are met.

It’s best for your project manager to also act as a “change manager,” championing the ERP implementation from the inside and inspiring excitement within your team.

3. Trust your consultants – lean into native functionality first.

Every business is different. As technology consultants, we understand that. It’s natural to want an ERP system that is tailored to your business and ONLY your business.

But let’s go back to the basics. Times have changed and ERP systems are made to simplify your business. Certain native functionalities (which are already built into NetSuite) work for the majority of businesses – and you’ll spin your wheels if you try to “over-customize.”

Going simple can make your processes so much easier than they were before.

We know there isn’t a “one size fits all” solution for every problem – and we’ll help you customize your system where it’s needed – but trust us when we say that adopting the standard processes of your system first can help your ERP implementation stay on track from the very beginning.

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Follow these 3 ERP implementation best practices to solidify a smooth implementation process.

Change can be uncomfortable, but imagine the time and money you can save with a successful ERP implementation.

If your whole team makes a commitment to move forward together, leaving clunky manual processes in the past, your organization can transform for the better.

With hundreds of successful ERP implementations under our belts, we’re happy to lead the way and help you champion these three strategies for an ERP implementation process that leaves your team feeling empowered and in control – not stressed.

Interested in learning more?

Contact us to hear about what it might look like to use Crowe for your NetSuite ERP implementation.
Simon Riley
Simon Riley
Principal, NetSuite Solutions Leader
Steven Parker
Steven Parker
Managing Director, Consulting
Alejandro Alvarez
Alejandro Alvarez
Principal, Consulting