How teams triumph with a new public sector ERP

Tom R. Reznicek, Nicole C. Sims
How teams triumph with a new public sector ERP

The growing complexity of business can overwhelm public finance teams that are burdened with legacy systems and resistant to change. Inefficient processes create frustration, come with a cost, and leave too much room for error.

Public finance and operations professionals need a solution that is cloud-based, secure, and centralized. They also need a system that can automate business processes and simplify compliance efforts while allowing them to remain connected with other systems they still find valuable.

The good news is that Crowe specializes in enterprise resource planning (ERP) for the public sector and has a track record of successfully implementing Microsoft Dynamics 365™ at agencies of many types and sizes, including large city and county government, transportation, and utility entities. Microsoft developed Dynamics 365 with the public sector in mind, and this solution offers the familiarity of the Microsoft platform that many public sector professionals know and trust.

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Support your transformation with an ERP system that can meet your team’s needs

Many ERP providers require organizations to completely change their business processes to solely use their product. Crowe and Microsoft do not demand that. With the flexibility of the Dynamics 365 platform and the deep specialization of Crowe in public sector and Dynamics 365, Crowe specialists can guide public sector professionals on how to graph business processes with best practices to better support organizational change.

Implementing a public sector ERP solution is as much organizational change as it is system implementation. That’s why Crowe specialists work with public sector organizations to pursue an integration strategy that works best for them. Our team gets to know staff members’ current processes and figures out changes that can help them be more productive in less time.

Crowe doesn’t require a one-size-fits-all approach because Dynamics 365 is so flexible, which means public finance and operation teams are in control.

Organizations that want to standardize using a single system for consistency across the organization or keep and integrate existing systems that still provide value can deploy a new public sector ERP system to suit their team’s unique requirements. And when they’re ready to add new capabilities like generative artificial intelligence or advanced business intelligence, the platform is already in place.

Microsoft + Crowe = The best of both worlds

Microsoft created the Dynamics 365 Finance solution to help organizations keep pace with evolving business needs by enhancing financial decision-making, automating business processes, reducing costs, and decreasing global risk.

With our approach, organizations can combine the Microsoft™ platform with decades of Crowe public sector experience and extensive technical and business strengths. Our approach can also reduce risk – the risk of overall implementation obstacles, the risk of going over budget, and the risk of the project taking longer than anticipated.

When you combine a powerful platform, industry experience, and advanced technology, you can:

  • Gather finance, budget, procurement, asset management, and human resources into one solution
  • Redesign outdated business processes
  • Initiate organizational change to help increase user adoption and achieve long-term success
  • Unlock the full potential of your data with data visualizations embedded within your public sector ERP experience
  • Stay ahead in the digital race with the Microsoft One Version model
  • Increase productivity with Microsoft generative artificial intelligence using the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot feature

Focus on what matters most

The right ERP solution can transform your public sector organization and help you focus on what matters most. However, we know it’s unrealistic to expect public finance and operations teams to make a complete business change to accommodate new technology. You need value from every step of your public sector ERP integration, not just at the end.

Don’t let a new public sector ERP system make decisions for you. Instead, employ a solution that meets your needs so that you can get the best of both worlds. It’s time to engage a team that understands your business requirements and can provide best practices based on decades of experience with the public sector.

Microsoft and Dynamics 365 are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.

Contact us

Crowe can guide you through implementation and offer the insights we’ve gained from hundreds of other public sector projects.
Thomas Reznicek
Tom R. Reznicek
Principal, Public Sector Consulting
Nicole Sims
Nicole C. Sims
Principal, Public Sector Consulting

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