June 2022 financial services audit committee overview

Gregg Anderson, John Epperson, Sydney Garmong, Mark Shannon, Alexa Stone

In today's dynamic environment, it's crucial for audit committee members to be current on industry developments. That's why we created the Financial Services Audit Committee Overview series — to keep you up to date on the latest financial reporting developments and regulatory changes.

In today's dynamic environment, it's crucial for audit committee members to be current on industry developments. That's why we created the Financial Services Audit Committee Overview series — to keep you up to date on the latest financial reporting developments and regulatory changes.

This month, we will cover recent FASB, SEC, and PCAOB updates, as well as top priorities for audit committees as they incorporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into their strategies. Why ESG, and why now? What do you need to do to keep up with industry expectations? Watch the June 2022 webinar to hear about all of this and more.

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Note: Only attendees of the live webinar are eligible for CPE or CLE credit for qualifying webinars. If you view the webinar recording on this page you may not be eligible for CPE or CLE. For questions about CPE contact [email protected]. Additional CPE information.

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Sydney Garmong
Sydney Garmong
Partner, National Office
Alexa Stone
Alexa Stone