Crowe EditAble CRM Grid for Microsoft Dynamics CRM - Overview

Ryan Plourde

Crowe editable grids for Microsoft Dynamics® 365

Crowe EditAble CRM Grid is an intuitive add-on solution for Microsoft Dynamics® 365 that transforms your  forms into detailed CRM dashboards, making it easier to view and update customer information. The point-and-click configuration and robust application programming interface (API) helps improve efficiency when building and using CRM forms. Crowe editable grids also provide greater data visibility to ensure your organization stays on the path of growth and profitability.

Here are some key features of Crowe EditAble CRM Grid:

  • Inline/multi-row editing
  • EditAble CRM views
  • Export to Microsoft Excel®
  • Localized language and multi-currency support
  • Dynamic grouping options
  • Inline calculations
  • Custom toolbar options

Watch our video to see several examples of what Crowe EditAble CRM Grid can do for your organization. Reach out to a Crowe CRM specialist to learn more about how editable grids can increase your productivity, or contact us to learn about our full suite of CRM services and other add-on solutions for Microsoft Dynamics® 365.

Related Information: Download the Crowe EditAble CRM Grid Product Guide