Data Privacy and Security Considerations for Mergers and Acquisitions


With new pressures on businesses to stay competitive in the current landscape, many believe that M&A activities will accelerate. Owners and boards will be looking to sell and exit the market for top dollar. Organizations will go bargain hunting. Or financial pressures on both sides of a deal could necessitate strategic partnerships. Regardless of the reason for a deal, in the era of robust data privacy regulations, like GDPR and CCPA, it is crucial for those buying or selling to understand the potential risks of personal information acquired. 

In this event, we will explore what value, good or bad, the information a company has on its clients and customers to bring to the M&A table. By attending this webinar, you should be able to: 

  • Describe the risk or value data can bring to a merger or acquisition 
  • Outline what questions to ask during the due diligence phase, such as: 
    • Was there consent regarding the data collected? 
    • Is the information transferable to another company or from one country to another? 
    • How can data on clients and customers be used? 
  • Identify deal-breaking concerns related to poor data management 

In a merger or acquisition, data privacy and security-related challenges can quickly turn into a ticking time bomb or be a strategic asset that increases an organization’s value. Knowing what to look for, the questions to ask, and how current and future regulations are impacting this area are vital. Personal data and information is no longer a minor topic of consideration; it can be a major ongoing concern or the key to driving top dollar. Join us to find out the difference.

Data Privacy and Security Considerations for Mergers and Acquisitions