AI in private equity: How to generate immediate value

Doug Schrock

What can artificial intelligence (AI) actually do for your private equity (PE) group? How can you use it in a practical way in your portfolio companies? Most importantly – how can it generate value now? Our PE team is here to help.

In this webinar, our PE specialists talk about how PE groups and their portfolio companies are using AI to generate value. They share some of the practical and tactical ways that C-suite PE and portfolio company executives are using AI, identify limits and risks to consider, and discuss how to start using AI this year. Plus, they cover how to get some quick wins by engaging your team in AI efforts. 

Lastly, polling data reveals an interesting look into how the technology is being used by professionals in the field today.

After watching this session, you should be able to:

  • Discuss what AI solutions currently are in use and working today
  • Identify practical applications of AI for your company
  • Describe requirements for successful implementation and use case opportunities for AI in private equity
  • Discuss what’s next in AI and how to prepare your organization

Note: Only attendees of the live webinar are eligible for CPE or CLE credit for qualifying webinars. If you view the webinar recording on this page you may not be eligible for CPE or CLE. For questions about CPE contact [email protected]. Additional CPE information.

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Our private equity specialists are ready to help you optimize your assets and outpace the competition. Contact us to discuss your goals.
John Kurkowski
John Kurkowski
Managing Partner, Private Equity
Doug Schrock at Crowe
Doug Schrock
Managing Principal, Artificial Intelligence
Thomas Callaghan
Thomas Callaghan
Managing Director, Technology