3 tips for embarking on a tax transformation

Tracey Grant-Castleman

This webinar discusses how the tax compliance and reporting landscape is becoming more complex globally and how the accounting profession and technology are evolving. It emphasizes the need for tax executives to change and innovate. These tips can help tax operations transform to be more efficient and adaptable.


  • Tracey Grant-Castleman, Partner, Tax

Webinar topics

  • Leverage global teams to create 24/7 workflows. By handing off work between time zones, you can advance projects even when your local team is not working. This expands capacity and frees up time for higher value tasks.
  • Optimize processes using technology. Look for ways to streamline manual efforts. Review your existing tech stack for unused features that could drive efficiency.
  • Invest in remote collaboration skills. With distributed teams, focus on maintaining culture virtually. Prioritize training on tools and techniques to foster working together, even when teams are dispersed across time zones.

We help tax teams take on their biggest issues

Are you seeing your challenges grow in number and complexity while the time and staff you have to deal with them remain unchanged? We can help you explore new approaches that optimize your resources.