Manage critical incidents with ServiceNow Security Operations

Jay Reid, Anthony Cellini
Manage critical incidents with ServiceNow Security Operations

Imagine if there was an easier way for your team to keep track of security critical incidents.

Security events occur daily within your network, and you might feel the pressure of constantly monitoring them to make sure critical incidents – like a cybersecurity attack – don’t happen.

Remote work has become the new normal, and it has caused many businesses to have to adapt their technology in unfamiliar ways. This change in technology also has opened more doors for critical incidents to occur.

Attackers are evolving and are always finding new ways to compromise a business’s security. Your IT team might already be tracking and reporting on large numbers of security events in a day, so it can be difficult to identify which ones might jeopardize the integrity of your data and lead to a catastrophic breach.

Undergoing a digital transformation of your security operations might not seem like a feasible option. You already have a lot on your plate. But what if you’re missing out on process efficiencies that could make your life a lot easier?

Building your cyber resilience against critical incidents doesn’t have to be intimidating. You can start by taking advantage of these three benefits of ServiceNow Security Operations (SecOps) to effectively manage your critical incidents.

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1. Quickly identify and respond to threats with automated workflows.

Understanding your security posture and identifying critical incidents can be extremely time-consuming with manual processes. If you’re spending time going through individual reports, you could be missing a critical threat against your organization – increasing the chance of an attack.

Within ServiceNow Security Operations, you will be able to access an all-in-one dashboard where you can:

  • Automate assignments for incident prioritization and response with collaborative workflows between IT and security
  • See how your security operations center is performing and identify where your team’s workflows might need to evolve and respond
  • Triage user-reported phishing emails and categorize similar incidents
  • Use framework integration to provide advance warning of attacks

Automating workflows can save your team a lot of time and effort so they can be more effective in identifying and responding to potential attacks. Additionally, automation can free up time to focus on larger security initiatives.

2. Clarify visibility into your IT environment with a streamlined configuration management database.

When it comes to incident response, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your complex IT infrastructure in order to make the best decisions for your organization. But IT teams might not always have a full picture of what’s happening within the software and services they’re running.

Without a complete grasp of the digital solutions your organization is running, you could be leaving yourself vulnerable to more risk. ServiceNow Security Operations (SecOps) can improve visibility by connecting and managing your products, integrating them in a single system. With only one system to monitor, you’ll be able to break down silos and take action quickly if critical incidents occur.

Additionally, by giving your team insight into the workings of both internal and external solutions, you will be making it easier on them to import accurate data from external sources that they can use in any incident workflow or process. That way, they can fully understand risk and impact, making data-driven decisions with information they can trust.

3. Efficiently communicate with your team using standardized alerts.

Communication is almost always the best way to avoid disaster if a critical incident occurs. But communicating effectively can be challenging without a standardized way to alert members of your team in the event of an attack.

ServiceNow Security Operations is able to provide a standardized communication process throughout your entire IT infrastructure. Events are visible in a single system, meaning team members are able to view and analyze potential incidents.

Because workflows are collaborative, users are able to swiftly escalate threats to the correct level. Alerts can be set up on an automatic basis if anything malicious happens on your network.

It’s no secret that critical incidents can cause a lot of damage if they are not properly identified, but with the right tools in place, your IT team has the power to effectively manage and respond to possible incidents before they begin to compromise your data.

Put these three measures in action and see how powerful your incident response can be.

If you need extra guidance, we are here to help.

You’ll want to work with a ServiceNow solution provider who can walk you through the steps to make your vision a reality – and get your critical incident strategy in place.

Need a helping hand?

Contact an experienced Crowe consultant today to talk about implementing ServiceNow Security Operations for your organization.
Jay Reid
Jay Reid
Principal, ServiceNow Solutions Leader
Anthony Cellini
Anthony Cellini