3 steps to transform your vulnerability response

Jay Reid, Anthony Cellini
3 steps to transform your vulnerability response

Actionable steps can help you secure your network.

Security vulnerabilities are a large concern for any organization. Maintaining the security of your IT infrastructure has to be one of your main priorities.

If attackers are able to penetrate your organization’s systems, they can take advantage of resources, steal data, or deny access to your usual operations – causing huge problems for your business.

Without proper vulnerability response management in place, you’re leaving your doors and windows wide open for attackers to enter your network. It can be easy for certain vulnerabilities to be overlooked, but that makes it even more important to have a solid security foundation.

Securing the network is a team effort and could fail for many reasons, including inadequate vision and strategy, lack of visibility into vulnerabilities, and poor communication. Expectations need to be clear from the very beginning.

Vulnerability response programs can provide a cushion in case an attack does occur – shortening its lifespan as much as possible. Such programs also can help you prove you did your prevention due diligence if you do end up having to recover from an attack.

Here are three steps that, if executed properly, can help transform how your organization can tackle vulnerabilities effectively.

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1. Unify stakeholders around a clear vision and strategy.

To make significant improvements, your team members must first be on the same page. It’s important that all key stakeholders are identified and on board from the beginning.

When creating a vulnerability response strategy, cast a clear vision for your team. Make sure all parties know what part of the process they will be a part of.

Set expectations with your team and establish ownership and downstream communication for each part of the vulnerability response plan. Incorporate training for users to eliminate confusion and improve efficiency.

2. Increase visibility into vulnerabilities with effective processes.

Identifying vulnerabilities is the first critical step in protecting your network. Without an effective security event notification process – including reliable security notifications, process-specific dashboards, and continuous performance analytics – you might fall behind in identifying threats and stopping them in their tracks.

Standard and repeatable security notifications can help you know right away when to respond and keep you from being left in the dark about a possible security event.

Process-specific dashboards allow you to view security workflows in a single location and adjust when needed.

Performance analytics tracked within the dashboard can help you continuously improve how you respond to security events.

3. Improve communication through established workflows.

Communication is the most important aspect of creating a successful vulnerability response plan. How you communicate during workflow processes can either make or break your team.

Workflows shouldn’t be complicated. Employees shouldn’t be wasting time waiting for responses from their teammates and rummaging through spreadsheets for answers.

Streamline processes that occur regularly, so team members can focus less on following up and more on the projects that matter.

A responsive dashboard can provide a convenient canvas where you can create and edit workflows and easily share with your colleagues – making communicating about next steps in the vulnerability response plan seem much simpler.

A vulnerability response transformation could provide a new sense of confidence in your cybersecurity program.

Protecting your network is just one of the ways to defend against cybersecurity attacks, and it doesn’t have to be a complicated process. It just takes a team effort to make sure you have a reliable and effective vulnerability response strategy in place.

Once you integrate these three components, you’ll see how much more secure your organization can be.

That’s why you’ll want to work with a ServiceNow solution provider who can walk you through the steps to make your vision a reality – and get your vulnerability response strategy in place.

Need more guidance?

Don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our experienced technology consultants to hear more about ServiceNow for your business.
Jay Reid
Jay Reid
Principal, ServiceNow Solutions Leader
Anthony Cellini
Anthony Cellini