eMonitor analytics


Streamline and manage balance sheet accounts

eMonitor quickly and easily monitors frozen cash and provides users with a summary of conditional results from each dealership's scheduled balance sheet accounts. It sorts through your most critical schedules and displays only the results you want based on thresholds you establish.

Product features

Conditional balance sheet information
Each measure has a threshold you can set and adjust so you only see the most important results.
Multiple dealership view
Get results for all stores, side-by-side, on a single page, so you can quickly spot areas of strength or weakness.
Detailed drill-down
Click any result to see the individual items noted. Click again to view journal details for each line item within.
Export to Microsoft Excel
Export formatted information to Microsoft Excel anytime.
Conditional balance sheet information
Each measure has a threshold you can set and adjust so you only see the most important results.
Multiple dealership view
Get results for all stores, side-by-side, on a single page, so you can quickly spot areas of strength or weakness.
Detailed drill-down
Click any result to see the individual items noted. Click again to view journal details for each line item within.
Export to Microsoft Excel
Export formatted information to Microsoft Excel anytime.
View key performance measures with drill-downs and graphing in this flexible daily dashboard.
Crowe ExpenSight
Keep track of your dealer expenses in this module, with the ability to view by vendor or category, drill down into detail, and create graphs.
Monitor frozen cash and view a summary of conditional results from each dealership's scheduled balance sheet accounts.
Finance and insurance
Get information to help better manage your finance department, monitor deals, streamline month-end, track sales performance, and monitor the front-end profitability of your dealership group.
Financial statement analysis
Get an in-depth look at the financial results for each dealership, as well as groupwide, departmental, and consolidated results.
Peer data
View regularly updated data on dealer peers to observe and quickly react to market conditions.

Request a demo

Discover what the eMonitor module in Crowe Navigator for Dealers can do for you.

Contact us

Stop making guesstimates. Start using Crowe Navigator for Dealers and eMonitor to monitor performance on your terms. Contact Crowe today.
Tad Balanda