International Tax - Crowe Ireland

International tax

Companies operating internationally need to navigate a complicated web of tax, regulatory and legislative requirements. It is critical that your business is tax-compliant at home and abroad, structured appropriately, and has an overall strategy in place to minimise the effective tax rate on profits.

How we can help

Our dedicated international tax team have a deep understanding of the complexities involved in operating across multiple tax jurisdictions and extensive experience working with clients in managing and minimising foreign taxes the efficient structuring of overseas operations, transfer pricing issues, cross border VAT complications together with the repatriation of profits and double relief tax planning.
Failure to comply with tax obligations in Ireland and in other jurisdictions can result in significant liabilities – both financial and reputational. Crowe’s international tax team will help your organisation navigate these issues, bringing clarity in the face of complexity.
Through our global network we can access tax partners in more than 130 countries where our 210 member firms operate allowing us to deliver tailored advice to meet your business requirements across a range of areas and jurisdictions, including;

Contact us:

Grayson Buckley, Partner, Tax - Crowe Ireland
Grayson Buckley
Partner, Tax
John Byrne, Partner, Tax - Crowe Ireland
John Byrne
Partner, Tax
Lisa Kinsella, Partner, Tax - Crowe Ireland
Lisa Kinsella
Partner, Tax