Capuchin Day Centre

Recruitment of new CEO for the Capuchin Day Centre

Capuchin Day Centre

The Capuchin Day Centre for Homeless People is a charitable voluntary service founded in 1969 by Brother Kevin Crowley of the Capuchin Franciscans Province of Ireland. Following Br Kevin’s retirement, the Centre is seeking to recruit a Chief Executive Officer, and Crowe is pleased to assist the Centre in the recruitment process.

The Centre provides a food service, serving breakfast and lunch six days a week. It provides food parcels, family services, clothing, access to showers and hygiene products, and advocacy services. The Centre hosts healthcare clinics with medical, nursing, dental, and chiropody care provided.

As lead member of the organisation’s Executive, the CEO will take primary responsibility for managing the Capuchin Day Centre for Homeless People as a whole; for liaison with the Board, for liaison with external bodies including Dublin City Council, the Health Service Executive, the Dublin Regional Housing Executive, the Peter McVerry Trust, and others; and for identifying development opportunities for the Centre. The CEO will take responsibility for the fulfilment of the Centre’s targets and objectives as set by the Board. The CEO will take lead responsibility for all strategic management matters, will direct policy development and strategic planning, and will be formally accountable to the Chairperson and Board.

This position is intended to be on the basis of a five-year fixed-term contract subject to successful completion of a 6-month probationary period. The proposed salary for this position is approximately €125,000.

In order to apply for this position, please go to, download the candidate information pack and application form, and return the completed form by Monday 16 January 2023 to

Crowe is assisting the Capuchin Day Centre for Homeless People with this application process. For further information, please contact Vanya Sargent at 01 448 2200 or by email at No assistance is required from agencies for this process.

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Consulting Partner Shane McQuillan Crowe Ireland
Shane McQuillan
Partner, Consulting