Naoise Cosgrove managing partner Crowe Ireland

Partner profile – Naoise Cosgrove

Naoise Cosgrove managing partner Crowe Ireland
Managing Partner Naoise Cosgrove
Naoise Cosgrove is managing partner of the firm and leads the corporate finance team.

Naoise was born in Dublin before moving to Toronto in Canada as a 6-week-old for two years. “I have never had the chance to return to Toronto, but it is something I would love to do. My only other experience of Canada was a trip to Vancouver a few years ago – it is a beautiful city and left a lasting impression.”

On returning to Ireland, Naoise grew up in Waterford, where his parents still live. He is the eldest of four, with two younger brothers and a sister. “We all have Irish names, but mine is the most unusual (or unique as my mother would say!)”

He spent a year in boarding school as a 12-year-old in Coláiste na Rinne in the Ring Gaeltacht, outside Dungarvan. “It was a major change from life at home and gave me an appreciation for home-cooked meals and a warm shower!”

From a young age Naoise has been interested in swimming and watersports and spent his summers sailing, windsurfing and kayaking. He also rowed with Waterford Rowing Club for several years. “I don’t remember having much success, but always enjoyed the camaraderie and early mornings on the river.”

Growing up he also enjoyed tennis and cycling, and being from Waterford, Sean Kelly was an obvious hero. “I was lucky enough to go to Wimbledon when I was around 10 years old. I got to see John McEnroe and Martina Navratilova play and then we went to the wax museum to have our photos taken with them! I brought my own kids to Wimbledon, joining the famous ‘Queue’ and having a wonderful day out.”

While not from a business background, Naoise was always interested in business. Accounting was one of his favourite subjects at school and he went on to do a BComm in UCC. With a particular interest in the accounting and finance modules of his degree, a career in accounting seemed like an obvious route to follow. 

After university he joined Deloitte, where he completed his training as a Chartered Accountant. “Like most of my friends starting out, I didn’t really know what the career would entail. Looking back, I got great experience with a wide variety of clients and had the opportunity to work on a number of special projects, which gave me the bug for corporate finance.”

Naoise joined the corporate finance team in Crowe in 1999. “The work has always evolved, which is what I really enjoy about it. My clients’ needs have changed in line with the different economic climates as new opportunities and challenges present themselves. When I started out, the Celtic Tiger was in full flow and things moved at a fast pace. This then changed with the global financial crisis, the subsequent recovery and more recently dealing with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“When I joined Crowe, I didn’t have a long-term plan. I really enjoyed the work and the experience of being involved with great businesses as part of a collegiate team. I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to become Managing Partner of the firm in 2015. This was a real honour and privilege, particularly given the heritage and history of the firm, which dates back to 1941.”

Naoise believes that to bring out the best in people it is important to have an open and collaborative environment where all team members are comfortable contributing. “I think attitude is the number one ingredient to a successful career. I want to see a positive approach and a willingness to learn and develop in my team. There will always be setbacks along the way, so resilience and a positive mindset are critical traits to have.

“Before the pandemic, I had never worked from home and had rarely been on video calls – how things change! I am reasonably disciplined and focused when I work, so I tried to stick with my usual daily working routine from the outset. I found this gave me structure and helped me adapt to the new environment.

“Working from home, the days can frequently be filled with back-to-back video calls, which can be exhausting. I get some quiet time to focus first thing in the morning or in the evening. I try to keep my weekends free to spend time with my family and recharge.”

Naoise is married to Avril, who he met during his time in UCC. “I followed my Dad’s lead in marrying a Cork woman – it worked out very well for him and I have been equally lucky!” They live in Ranelagh with their two teenage children, who keep them very busy. 

In his spare time, he enjoys watching sport and rugby in particular. “I’m Munster at heart, but also regularly support Leinster with my son. I frequently go to UCD Bowl to watch the UCD rugby team which Crowe have sponsored since 2013. Apart from that I enjoy walking, the outdoors and listening to music.

“I love skiing and we have gone a number of times as a family. We missed out this year, but it is something to look forward to when the pandemic has passed. It is a great way to relax and unwind from work. I love the clean crisp air and exhilaration of completing a run.”

Contact Naoise:

Naoise Cosgrove, Managing partner - Crowe Ireland
Naoise Cosgrove
Managing Partner
Corporate Finance