Discover the best path forward for your cybersecurity program

The right team can reveal new insights, identify gaps, and help you enhance your cybersecurity program and support your organization’s overall goals.

As cyberthreats become more varied and sophisticated and the technology landscape grows more complex, figuring out the best ways to adjust your cybersecurity program can seem intimidating. But it doesn’t have to be.

Working with a team that knows the cybersecurity landscape and helps organizations like yours solve similar challenges can give you confidence that you’re taking the right steps to protect your business.

Explore solutions for every step of your cybersecurity journey

Baseline Health Check
Our baseline health check services provide a baseline gap analysis for our clients to have a bird’s eye view of their current cybersecurity posture. This covers IT Security Governance, Risk and Compliance. With this baseline health check report, you will be able to define and plan a cost-effective strategy to meet your compliance and cybersecurity objectives.
Baseline Health Check
Cybersecurity Assessment
With evolving cybersecurity threats, it is critical for businesses to perform cybersecurity assessments periodically. A Cybersecurity assessment will help to identify potential vulnerabilities and threats that may exist in your current network. This activity also helps to identify weaknesses, so that we can work together with you to build a more resilient environment against threats.
Cybersecurity Assessment
Penetration Test
A holistic cybersecurity approach is multi-faceted, integrating various components together to deal with current threats. Penetration testing is one of the keys to the puzzle, which completes the cybersecurity total defense. A penetration test is a simulated attack done by qualified expert to exploit your network in a controlled manner, under noble intentions.
Penetration Test
Red Teaming
While the main objective of penetration testing is to identify as many vulnerabilities and exploits as possible of the targeted environment, the main focus of Red teaming is to sneak into the environment stealthily, bypassing detection, with a precise target. As an organization matures in their cybersecurity posture, this service is the next step forward upon conducting penetration testing.
Red Teaming
Incident Response Services
Preparedness is identified as one of the critical assets in a holistic cybersecurity defense mechanism. To effectively combat against any cyber threats, incident response plan and guidelines must be in place to contain, eradicate and recover during a cybersecurity incident. IT cybersecurity resources are scarce.
Incident Response Services
Security Awareness and Training
Our comprehensive IT security awareness training programme helps to maintain high levels of awareness for your staff/members, contractors and service providers. It includes the individual’s responsibility to safeguard information assets, the current cyber threat landscape, and their implications.
Security Awareness and Training