Many acquisitions fail to live up to expectations. The reasons range from poor deal structure, poor strategic fit, failure to identify problems with the quality of earnings, overly optimistic estimates of synergies, to lack of an integration plan.
Evaluating a company in another country compounds these risks. You are dealing with a different language and cultural barriers; different business ethics, legal systems, filing regulations, and accounting principles; transfer pricing that affects taxation - and often government involvement.
But international deals often provide the best growth opportunities. They can offer improved returns from economies of scale, new target markets for existing products/services, access to commodity materials, and a hedge against seasonality.
Even savvy managements and private equity investors cannot know everything they should do to make a deal successful, so they need an experienced international advisor.
Our suite of transaction support services spans across pre-investment, investment through to post investment phases of the deal chain. With our dedicated professionals with extensive experience of transactions and fully understand the deal making process and deal drivers, we work as partners providing clients full support through the deal continuum.
Due Diligence
Valuation & Financial Modelling
Pre-Investment Services
Post-Investment Services
Crowe Indonesia has extensive experiences in supporting merger, acquisition, financing and restructuring transactions in Indonesia via due diligence, valuation, financial modelling and financial advisory services.
Financial Advisory
We provide financial advisory to support the company's potential deal transaction with the potential investor.
Financial and Tax Due Diligence Clients
We provide financial and tax due diligence service to support one of the company's investment transaction in renewable energy power plant. We also provide financial advisory to one of its subsidiary company engaging in generating, supply, distribution electrical power to meet industrial and public needs.