Taking the GRC Model to the Next Level

| 9/4/2024
Taking the GRC Model to the Next Level

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Limited resources and budget constraints often leave governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) teams struggling to manage existing programs while aiming to enhance maturity with improved processes and new technologies.

Relying on manual forms or spreadsheets in traditional models can exacerbate these challenges, leading to confusion, inconsistency, and errors in risk assessment reporting. As a result, companies find it difficult to allocate the necessary resources for developing a proactive, mature, and comprehensive risk and compliance framework, often defaulting to reactive measures.

By identifying current GRC maturity, organizations can prioritize and incrementally adopt specific practices, capabilities, and technologies aligned with their resources. This gradual approach enables organizations to strategically allocate their efforts and investments, ensuring continuous improvement in GRC maturity without overwhelming their existing operations. As maturity increases, so does the effectiveness of the GRC model, ultimately leading to better risk management, compliance, and governance outcomes.

Every organization's path to GRC maturity is unique. Assessing where your GRC maturity stands advancing your risk and compliance strategies.

GRC maturity requires continuous leadership collaboration, process efficiencies, and technology enablement, evolving from reactive to orchestrated approaches. Where does your organization fit?

  • Reaction: A reactive stance focuses on immediate needs, often isolated GRC efforts and resulting in fragmented risk management.
  • Anticipation: An anticipatory approach introduces efficiency and automation but may still be limited as a temporary fix.
  • Collaboration: This phase fosters teamwork, prioritizing risk mitigation through integrated processes and technology.
  • Orchestration: The ultimate goal, where risk management aligns seamlessly with business strategy, leveraging centralized GRC solutions for proactive risk monitoring and strategic insights.

With Crowe, we can leverage the GRC maturity by combining impactful risk management strategies with leading technology solutions.

Use technology to leap forward in your GRC maturity journey

The Crowe Risk Intelligence Suite is available to assist you in enhancing the GRC maturity by providing a library of industry-leading risks that can be monitored throughout your business. This suite builds on the strengths of traditional GRC tools with three fundamental features:

  • A comprehensive content library of risks, KPIs, and mitigation strategies for privacy, cybersecurity, and third-party risk management
  • A streamlined system integration framework that pulls and analyzes data from key business systems, transforming it into actionable risk and performance metrics
  • A risk quantification tool that evaluates the potential economic impact of privacy, cybersecurity, and third-party risks

Assess where your organization stands today and discover how our suite can drive your GRC maturity to new heights. Ready to see the difference? Assess your GRC maturity with Crowe.

Source: Crowe Global

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