Regulatory Brief: New IT Audit Requirements under SK-190

| 12/18/2024
New IT Audit Requirements under SK-190

Read Time: 5 minutes

The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) has introduced pivotal regulations to strengthen IT governance and cybersecurity within the BUMN ecosystem. One such regulation, SK-190/MBU/07/2024, outlines technical guidelines for IT reporting, audits, and assessments, with full implementation required by 2025.

Key Requirements Under SK-190

BUMN are required to undertake three primary activities to ensure compliance:

a. IT Reporting

Frequency: Reports must be submitted quarterly and annually.
Purpose: To provide detailed updates on IT operations, compliance against relevant regulations and measure the value from each of IT implementation effectiveness based on its business impacts, process improvement, system improvement, regulatory compliance or other relevant metrics.

b. IT Audit

Frequency: Conducted at least once a year.
Scope: Includes assessments of regulatory compliance and adherence to internal IT implementation policies.
Auditor: Can be performed by internal or external parties.

c. IT Implementation Assessment

Frequency: Required at least once every two years.
Auditor: Must be carried out by independent external assessors.

Addressing 24 Priority Control Objectives

To strengthen IT governance, the regulation prioritizes 24 control objectives across five COBIT 2019’s domains, with a minimum capability level of 3 on a scale from 0 (incomplete) to 5 (optimizing):

Domain Details
Evaluate, Direct and Monitor (EDM)

EDM01 Ensured Governance Framework Setting and Maintenance

EDM02 Ensured Benefits Delivery

Align, Plan, and Organize (APO)

APO01 Managed I&T Management Framework

APO02 Managed Strategy

APO03 Managed Enterprise Architecture

APO05 Managed Portfolio

APO06 Managed Budget and Costs

APO09 Managed Service Agreements

APO10 Managed Vendors

APO12 Managed Risk Managed Budget and Costs

APO13 Managed Security

APO14 Managed Data

Build, Acquire, and Implement (BAI)

BAI02 Managed Requirements Definition

BAI03 Managed Solution Identification and Build

BAI04 Managed Availability and Capacity

BAI06 Managed IT Changes

BAI07 Managed IT Changes Acceptance and Transitioning

BAI09 Managed Assets

BAI011 Managed Project

Deliver, Service, and Support (DSS)

DSS01 Managed Operations

DSS02 Managed Service Requests and Incidents

DSS04 Managed Continuity

DSS05 Managed Security Services

Monitor, Evaluate, and Assess (MEA) MEA01 Managed Performance and Conformance Monitoring

How Crowe Can Help

External assessors for BUMN IT implementation assessments must meet strict criteria, including a minimum of five years of experience with international IT governance frameworks, a team of certified professionals, and independence from the assessed BUMN. These standards ensure unbiased and objective evaluations aligned with regulatory expectations.

Crowe meets these requirements, offering extensive experience in IT governance implementation, audits, and assessment. Our services are designed to deliver high assurance, enabling our clients to make better decisions and achieve IT governance leading practice for sustainable growth.

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