- Bachelor in Accounting from reputable University with excellent academic result (min.GPA 3,00);
- At least 6 years of experience in consulting firm with min.2 years experience in managerial level;
- Strong understanding and knowledge of business process, Internal Control, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), Risk Based Internal Audit, PSAK, IFRS and project management;
- Having experience background in telecommunication, energy, oil & gas and banking industry would be an advantage;
- Having professional certification such as CIA, CRMP, ERMCP and/or equivalent is preferred;
- Willing to work under pressure, fast moving and demanding environment;
- Having strong critical & analytical thinking, problem solving and consulting skills;
- Excellent in oral and written communication, strong organization and interpersonal skills;
- Proficient in English, both spoken and written.
If you are qualified and interested to apply, please send your CV and resume to recruitment@crowe.id.