On December 5th, 2024, amendments to the Companies Act entered into force.
The amendments introduced an obligation to ensure balanced representation of women and men on supervisory and management boards.
Who is it applied to?
The obligation applies to all listed companies that meet all three of the following criteria:
What does this mean?
The companies that meet the above stated criteria must ensure that, by June 30th, 2026, representatives of the underrepresented gender hold at least 40% of non-executive director positions or at least 33% of all director positions.
To implement the above, the following is prescribed:
In addition to the abovementioned obligation, further requirements are introduced for the supervisory board regarding the independence of at least one of its members and the participation of members when giving prior consent for transactions with related parties.
The obligation for the management to prepare an annual report on transactions with related parties and the obligation for shareholders to notify the company about the conclusion of shareholder agreements are also introduced.