Human Resources

Human Resources Advisory

Human Resources Advisory

For business activities within an organization, be they completion of simple tasks or management of the entire enterprise, they all need “human capital” to put into action. If human capital is managed effectively, it will enable enterprises to win in market competition, and more importantly, to sustain their long-term business growth. Effective human capital management in organizations is, therefore, of the utmost importance.

Our human capital management services include:

  • Human capital planning and policies – organizational structure design / restructuring, and development of appropriate human capital policies.

  • Personnel management system – building / rebuilding the human resource management system, and improving the efficiency of internal processes.

  • Remuneration system – remuneration system design and review.

  • Performance management – design and implementation of performance management system.

  • Training and development – employee career planning, employee training and development, and building of talent echelon for the enterprise.

  • Corporate culture – identification and development of an ideal corporate culture for the enterprise, with a view to encouraging employee innovation, positive thinking and pursuit of excellence while encouraging a harmonious working relationship among employees.

How we can help

We can help enterprises in using effective contemporary management methods in respect of planning, organizing, directing, controlling and coordinating for acquisition, utilization, development, engagement and retention of human capital to help enterprises realize their business development goals.


Contact Us

Dr. Leslie Tong
DBA  MBA  MHKIoD  FHKPMA  PMHKIHRM  FMHKMA  MITP  Qualified National SHRM Specialist

Tel : +852 2894 6892
