Our advisors will help you achieve sustainable changes in governance, maintaining effective compliance.


Risk management services are a systematic and disciplined approach to assess and improve the effectiveness of the risk management functions, the control instruments and the corporate governance.

Our Services

Risk Management

Risk management is understanding and identifying operational risks. It achieves reducing operating costs and ensures supervisory compliance and execution of the business strategy.

check_24pxSupport in meeting regulatory obligations of less significant credit institutions (LSIs)

check_24pxStress Tests, ICAAP (Capital Adequacy), ILAAP (Liquidity Adequacy), Recovery Plans (Recovery Plans – Capital, Liquidity, Profitability, Asset Quality)

check_24pxDeveloping Risk Identification, Measurement and Management Methodologies that improve the operation of the Risk Management Service

check_24pxCompliance with IFRS 9, (if required) and support in the calculation of expected losses against credit risk

Internal Audit

Internal audit is an independent, objective activity that ensures and provides advice, designed on the one hand to add value and on the other hand, to improve the operations of the business. In the context of the Internal Audit service, our advisors compose the internal processes regulation, organize and train the internal audit department and perform the internal audit.

We develop the appropriate methodologies, processes and systems for effective internal audit function

check_24pxRisk Assessment (in the context of the Internal Audit)

check_24pxInternal Audit Outsourcing – Expertise & Resource Allocation

check_24pxDesign of Internal Audit System & Training

check_24pxCorporate Governance Health check – Identifying Weaknesses & suggestions for improvement with respect to Corporate Governance

ESG & Climate Change Advisory Services

We help our clients develop the appropriate methodologies and strategies to manage sustainable development matters across the entire range of their activities and take advantage of the opportunities related to the achievement of their goals.
check_24pxSustainable Development Strategy

check_24pxSustainable Development Reporting

check_24pxCorporate Governanceon ESG issues

check_24pxInvestor Relations

check_24pxCarbon Footprint Measurement





check_24pxCreating conditions for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the national law, thereby reducing compliance costs and reducing the risk of being fined

check_24pxDPO Services

Contact us

Spiros Kapsokavadis
Spiros Kapsokavadis
Director, Risk Management Services
Crowe Greece