Our CEO has gained experience in this field over the past 10 years. In 2008 he started working for the French carbon consulting firm Carbone4, a decisive step in his career that lead him to accompany and guide many companies in their own transitions. As a carbon expert he has been involved actively in several working teams for the French ADEME. These projects gave rise to several publications aiming to provide clear information to companies on assessing their carbon footprint as well as making these indicators relevant and useful.
ADEME guidelines on carbon footprint by sector
Brochure report ADEME carbon assessments
ADEME REGION resources for regional Climate plansIn this context, and in a collaborative approach with Carbone4 teams, we help you make sense of your carbon footprint and comply with current and future regulations.
We have developed our own technical tools and we also use the last version of the Carbon Footprint calculator 7.3 from the Carbon Footprint Association, using updated emission factors. The latter is in line with version 3 bis of the methodology guide and allows us to provide assessments complying with current obligations.
Where does the regulation come from?
The regulation comes from Article 75 of the Law n° 2010-788 of July, 12th 2010 supporting the French national commitment to act for the environment (ENE – Grenelle 2) and creating articles L. 229-25 and L 229-26 of the Environment Code.
The enforcement decree stating the application rules for Carbon footprint assessments (R229-46 - R22-50) was established on July 11th 2011. This decree specifies the reporting of necessary methodological elements for complying with the law, which was lastly updated in March 2015 to give birth to the 3bis version of the guide).
Who is affected by the obligation?
Keep in mind that if you belong to one of these categories and do not assess your carbon footprint, you will face requests from your prefects, and you will face sanctions according to the draft law on the energy transition.
When is it due?
It is not too late to assess your carbon footprint! Do not hesitate to rely on us to help you conform rapidly and effectively with this obligation.
How to take advantage of this regulation?
Measure to reduce emission and anticipate
Differences between the french mandatory Carbon footprint assessment (BEGES) and a GHG emissions assessment:
The BEGES is compulsory and report on the emissions resulting from scope 1 and 2.
Objective : complying with the commitment n°51 of the Grenelle II that stated the generalisation of carbon footprint assessments. The aim is to produce a diagnosis of the entity's emissions in order to identify potential actions to reduce its carbon footprint.
The more general carbon footprint assessment is a measure of the GHG emissions of an entity and a tool that includes a larger scope (1, 2 and 3)
Objective : offering a way to quantify GHG emissions and to identify potential actions to reduce them. Moving towards a low-carbon transition.