We believe answering the CDP allows you to improve the competitive advantage of your organization, in line with its mid and long term performances. Carrying out this process also allows you to appreciate the level of maturity on different topics. The CDP questions are made to always challenge companies to do better and encourage them to initate the necessary changes.
The canvas provided by the CDP is also useful to structure your arguments to reassure and convince the stakeholder regarding your ability to monitor your emissions. Finally, the ranking, though direct comparison might be tempered, often increase the spirit of competition leading to innovation.
Learn more about : Low-carbon Strategy
2008-2018 Project
Since 2008, Sustainable Metrics accompanies the group in its carbon analysis and help them answer the CDP (extra-financial rating agency). It helps them identify the most material issues of the energy transition and the axes of improvment to develop internally and externally to tackle down the carbon footprint of construction.
In 5 years the score went from 53C to the A list in 2018 (A- in 2019)
Learn more : https://www.bouyguesdd.com/cdp-bouygues-reconnu-pour-son-action-en-faveur-du-climat/
We help Gecina answer the CDP survey and identify the most material issues of the energy transition to improve the carbon performance of buildings and constructions.
Learn more about the CDP