gestion sociale

Social Management & Human Resources 

A value-added consultancy offer for a tailor-made approach to payroll, employment law and human resources.A dedicated headhunter to achieve your objectives.


The labor legislation is constantly changing. Payroll and Human Resource Management is a major stake for businesses of all sizes.
Labour law is constantly changing. Mastering payroll and human resources management is an important issue. In a context where talent is sometimes scarce, companies, whatever their size, must face recruitment problems.

Crowe Avvens has solid assets to advise you and offers you a range of services adapted to your needs.
Our teams assist and advise company management in the scope of strategic projects linked to HR:
  • Overall study on the efficiency of the existing organisation and proposal of improvement areas
  • Optimisation of the remuneration policy: implementation of profit-sharing agreements, employee share ownership plans, social benefits (luncheon vouchers, holiday vouchers, etc.)
  • Study of the implementation of motivating remunerations for your employees (bonuses, employee savings, etc.)
  • Job mapping (definition of jobs, classification, level of remuneration, etc.)
  • Compliance audit (labour law and payroll)

Optimize your time and secure your pay slips. We handle your company's entire payroll function:

  • Recruitment formalities
  • Drawing up pay slips
  • Management of social charges (drawing up of slips, remote transmission and remote payment of social charges)
  • Annual management of declarations (N4DS)
  • Management of occasional events (sickness, maternity and work accident certificates, final accounts)
  • Assistance with Social Security Collection Authority inspections(French URSSAF) audits
  • Administrative management of personnel (evaluation of end-of-career indemnities, monitoring of individual training rights)

Our expert to help you with your recruitment needs with a simple and efficient process.

A dedicated, responsive contact to guide you in managing your resources:

  • Definition of the strategy
  • Total or partial outsourcing
  • Talent assessment
  • Support in choosing the best profile
  • Advice on limiting turnover
  • Assistance and training for managers in defining their needs, conducting interviews and integrating new talent


Let's meet to discuss your needs and build a relationship of trust and long-term success for your organisation.

Contact us for more information.