
Our Vision


Our Vision

Our vision is to maintain our unique reputation in Egypt and the Arab world, providing business solutions based on extensive analysis, investigation and assessment with special emphasis on achieving the satisfaction of our clients. One characteristic of Membership in Crowe Horwath International is the working relationship with our clients in order to pay close attention to their needs and development. Regardless of the size of their business, clients can depend on our dedication and support. Our professional reputation is based on the goal to maintain the highest ethical standards. Each member firm assumes full and exclusive responsibility for its professional services. However, common operating standards for international work have been developed and are monitored regularly through a system of controls. This system ensures that each member firm is able to meet the high standards of practice and commitment to client service that Crowe Horwath International has established.

Our Values

Total Commitment and Excellence-  As market conditions change, there is a greater responsibility to update our expertise and technology. We are wholly committed to providing our clients with practical solutions and assistance by complying with accounting and auditing standards of the various industry sectors.

Knowledge coupled with Experience- Extensive experience in the local business, combined with distinguished personal involvement are our strengths. Our professionals at Crowe Horwath Dr. A. M. Hegazy & Co. possess technical knowledge and skills gained over the years from numerous assignments and are only too happy to share them with our clients.

Trust and Efficiency- Although much has changed since the office was founded in 1951, Crowe Horwath Dr. A. M. Hegazy & Co. still places great emphasis on establishing long-term personal relations with each and every client even those clients where our services were terminated for one reason or another. We provide customized services, in an environment of honesty and trust and preserve its impartiality and independence in accounting, auditing and consultancy services.

Fundamental Principles of Ethics:

International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) code of ethics for professional accountants has prescribed five (5) fundamental principles. These are adhered to by Crowe Horwath Dr. A. M. Hegazy & Co. as follows:

Integrity: A professional accountant should be straight forward and honest in all professional and business relationship.

Objectivity: A professional accountant should not allow bias, conflict of interest or undue influence of others to override professional or business judgment.

Professional competence and Due Care: A professional accountant has a continuing duty to maintain professional knowledge and skill at the level required to ensure that a client or employer receives competent professional service based on current developments in practice, legislation and techniques. a professional accountant should act diligently  and in accordance with applicable technical and professional standards when providing professional services.

Confidentiality: A professional accountant should respect the confidentiality of information acquired as a result of professional and business relationships and should not disclose any such information to third parties without proper and specific authority unless there is a legal or professional right or duty to disclose. Confidential information acquired as a result of professional and business relationships should not be used for the personal advantage of the professional accountant or third party.

Professional Behavior: A professional accountant should comply with relevant laws and regulations and should avoid any action that discredits the profession.  


Here are some of the concepts which we work and implement under our membership with Crowe Horwath International:

Does your business solutions provider treat you with the respect you deserve?

You are an important force in your industry, with multinational markets and operations.

Does your business solutions provider too often assign junior people to your account? Do you expend too many of your own resources coordinating your provider's work processes? Is the service you receive not always timely, and are you paying too much for it?


Crowe Horwath International member firms give you the same capabilities as the world's largest accounting and business consulting operations - with some important differences. You work with knowledgeable experts in your industry - no matter where in the world they are located. You have an elite team of the best and brightest we have to offer. You receive high quality work, at the agreed-upon time and cost.


How did events on the other side of the world change your business today?

You are well versed on the benefits of globalization. But are you effectively managing

cross-border risks? Are you in compliance with the near-daily changes in accounting and tax standards in every part of the world where you do business? Is your investment in technology really enabling international expansion, or just costing you money?


Crowe Horwath International is a powerful organization of accounting and business solution firms spanning the globe. Our members stay up-to-date on local regulatory and market conditions, and contact you when significant developments occur that should affect your business. Member firms also have expertise in many industries around the world, offering you a global perspective from professionals who understand your business.


You already excel in many areas in your industry.

Can you imagine how the next level of success could look?

We can. Crowe Horwath International member firms help their clients achieve success every day. Become a global industry leader - our local industry leaders will assist you. Capitalize on opportunities - our member firms can anticipate your needs or offer a fast response to your requests. Be the first to market - our members can help you minimize risks. Move easily between world markets - our member firms create systems for better sharing of information. Become more efficient - our members can help you set the proper expectations


Are you paying for "solutions" to problems you do not have?

Your company confronts challenges to its growth every day. Do you get the feeling that your large business solutions provider is not listening to what you say, and that you are being offered the same solution as the company down the street?

Crowe Horwath International member firms create customized solutions for every client. First, we ask the right questions - because we know your industry and markets. Second, we listen carefully to your answers to correctly identify and prioritize issues. Third, we create the right team of experts to design the best solution for your needs. Fourth, we help you determine the internal and external resources required, and then help implement the solution. In addition, this approach saves money for our clients because they only receive services that truly solve their problems.


How much stronger could you grow by leveraging a worldwide team of experts?

You are always searching for the next big idea, the next geographic market, the next source of earnings growth. How much easier would it be if you had industry professionals around the world doing this with you?

Elite firms in the Crowe Horwath International organization have been selected through a rigorous approval process. This includes providing quality service, having their work reviewed by peers, demonstrating their market knowledge and industry leadership, and truly caring about their clients, their employees, and their communities.

As a result, we have built a worldwide organization of thought leaders in a wide range of industries. Our professionals have comprehensive, international expertise in a broad range of business consulting practices including assurance, benefit plan services, corporate finance, risk consulting, forensic services, performance services, tax consulting, and technology.


Are you ready for a change?

Crowe Horwath International member firms are driven and unified in their effort to help their clients succeed globally. Clients tell us that our willingness and ability to understand their needs together with the access they have to our executives and experienced international service teams are the primary reasons they choose us. As one of the largest global professional services organizations with more than 560 offices and over 26,250 executives and staff worldwide, the Crowe Horwath International organization is well positioned to provide clients with the professional services and resources they need to succeed in global markets. Our international service teams help companies across the globe structure cross-border transactions to lower taxes, strengthen financial controls, and manage growth. We invite you to find out more about what Crowe Horwath member firms can do for you and why companies are turning to Crowe Horwath International member firms for international accounting, tax, and business consulting services. Visit or contact one of the experts listed on our Web site.

Contact Us

Mohamed Hegazy
Dr Mohamed Hegazy
Principal Partner
+202 37600516

Dr Khaled  A Hegazy
Crowe Dr A M Hegazy