
E-neschopenka is already upon us

What changes in sickness insurance await us from the coming year?

Ivana Brancuzká

As of 1 January 2020, there will be new compulsory electronic reporting of temporary incapacity for work, the so-called eIncapacity (“eNeschopenka”). The aim of this change is to simplify and hence accelerate and clarify, the processes related to temporary incapacity for work for all concerned parties.

What are the main changes awaiting us since the upcoming year?

  • The employer will no longer accept documents from the employee for the payment of sickness benefits and submit them to the District Social Security Authorities (Okresní správa sociálního zabezpečení, hereinafter referred to as “OSSZ”)
  • After 14 days of temporary incapacity for work, the employer is obliged to send to the relevant OSSZ form “Annex to the application for benefit” in electronic form only. It will be possible to send data for collisions both electronically and in paper form.
  • The employer shall indicate in the “Annex to the application for benefit” how the employee is paid wages or salaries;
  • After the end of incapacity for work, the employer will send the OSSZ a report with the data needed for the last sick pay.

What are the employer options for finding a temporary incapacity for work and more details will be provided in the next issue of the Crowe news.


Ivana Brancuzka 2025
Ivana Brancuzká
Partner, CEO Czech Republic