
Crowe news

Crowe news 06/2019

We are sharing insights from the field of taxation, law, accounting and business.

Win-Win Balance

The work-life balance became to be a new concept of living in this millennium. Under the pressure of public debate (which is stoking up by a number of studies, articles and lectures) it is slowly and carefully getting into the companies’ strategies and business manuals. So why dealing with the work-life balance is so unclear? Why do we all feel that it really doesn’t work or this is just not “it”?

Petra Štogrová Jedličková
Country Manager

How the debtor came to debt relief

The amendment to the Insolvency Act came into effect on June 1st. It brings several important changes. Would you like to keep track of the amendment? Then take a moment to read our new article. 

Ivana Brancuzká
Payroll Manager
Contract Administration

How to automate accounting processes?

Solutions in the field of robotization are increasingly used in business, also in accounting departments. They provide natural support and complementation of human work, in a measurable way increasing the efficiency of processes, while reducing costs and ensuring their flexibility. Which accounting activities are worth automating and how to prepare for it?

Maciej Krzekotowski
Business Consulting Director
Crowe Poland

A nightmare called Deffered Tax

Do you belong to people for whom the term Deferred Tax is becoming a nightmare? If so, let’s briefly summarize the basic facts. Maybe after reading our new article, the deferred tax will no longer take you the calm sleep.

Helena Šulcová
Audit Manager

First think, then send

I would like to react (and also add a little bit) to the article "Crime-as-a-service" of Petra Štogrová Jedličková's from the latest issue of Crowe News. I am asking - can you really order a cyberattack today as a service, and thus "Crime as a Service" (CaaS), or is it a totally exaggerated and pessimistic perception of today's "technology world"?

Petr Šantrůček, external author
Executive Director of exTerra Services s.r.o.