
Crowe News

Crowe news 12/2018

December issue of our monthly newsletter. We are sharing insights from the field of taxation, law, accounting and business.

Economy...Talking about the health

At the end of the year, people traditionally wish each other the best and, most importantly, the good health. The current weather, apparently influenced by global climate changes, puts this desire even more at the forefront, as flu and other viruses are booming. However, what I am really concerned of is the economic health of our companies

Petra Štogrová Jedličková
Country manager

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and…well mainly good health!

These days, the Senate of Parliament of the Czech Republic is discussing a bill amending the sickness payment system. From July 1, 2019, the so-called waiting period should be abolished. Employees should therefore receive a sick leave compensation for wages or salaries even during the first three days of temporary sick leave. 

Barbora Veselá
Business Development & Communication

The minimum wage is increasing in 2019!

On 20 November 2018, the government approved a proposal to increase the minimum wage from 1 January 2019. It can be said that the government representatives prepared for their citizens a generous gift for Christmas, for which (at least a part of the Czech population) will be happy and grateful. However, what impact will the raising of the minimum wage have and who will it concern? And what will this move do with the labor market as such?

Ivana Brancuzká
Payroll Manager
Contract Administration