Crowe news

Crowe news

Crowe news 04/2020

In the April issue, we are sharing insights from the field of taxation, law, accounting and business.
Andrea Kleinová

Hire out your employees and help on all fronts… but do not take risks!

The new coronavirus pandemic is currently perhaps the most used phrase. In this respect, the economic crisis and its associated effects are stepping on its heels, especially in relation to redundancies and rising unemployment.

Andrea Kleinová
Andrea Kleinová
Senior Tax Advisor
Veronika Žáčková

Obligation of statistical reporting or is it possible to avoid statistical surveys?

April is the month when nature wakes up, but also the statistical office in connection with the collection of statistical data. In this period, a deadline is set for the submission of most annual statistics of companies, which result from the statistical survey program of the Czech Republic and are set by State Statistical Service Act No. 89/1995 Coll., as amended. The reporting obligation of accounting units is published by decrees always in the autumn of the previous year and the given statistical surveys are carried out by the Czech Statistical Office. How do you know they have selected you for statistical surveys?

Veronika Žáčková
Veronika Žáčková
Accounting Team Leader
Jana Střelická

Deferment of tax payments and waiver of interest 

In the context of the coronavirus epidemic, the financial administration presented several measures to help taxpayers deal with the situation. One of the measures in the area of cash flow is the possibility to request a deferment of tax payment or its payment in installments.

Jana Střelická
Jana Střelická
Senior Tax Advisor
Andrea Kleinová

Meal vouchers and home office - is it possible?

Changes in relation to the pandemics have affected us in all areas of life, both in the private and the business sphere. Many companies had to shut down their plants and shops completely in accordance with the newly introduced law, while others significantly reduced their production. However, some of them continue to work.

Andrea Kleinová
Andrea Kleinová
Senior Tax Advisor