What if a taxpayer chooses to revert to reporting in Canadian dollars?
The functional currency election may be revoked by filing the prescribed Form T1296, Election, or Revocation of an Election, to Report in a Functional Currency, with the CRA.
It should be noted that a revocation can only be made in taxation years after the taxpayer’s first year using the functional currency, and the revocation is effective for taxation years that begin six months after the revocation is filed. In other words, taxpayers are required to stay with the functional currency reporting for a minimum of two taxation years.
Once the functional currency election has been revoked, a taxpayer is required to convert tax attributes to Canadian dollars using the relevant spot rate for the last day of the taxpayer’s last functional currency year. This results in double conversion of the tax attributes (i.e., first when the tax attributes are converted to its functional currency upon election, and second when the remaining unused balance would be converted back to the Canadian currency in the year the election has been evoked).
For example, if the taxpayer had non-capital losses of $5,000 CAD at the end of its December 31, 2017, taxation year and made a functional currency effective to report in US dollars for the taxation year ending December 31, 2018, the non-capital losses carried forward from the 2017 taxation year will be converted to $3,986 USD ($5,000 CAD x FX rate of 0.7971). During the 2018 taxation year, $1,500 USD of the non-capital losses were utilized, and no non-capital losses were utilized during the 2019 and 2020 taxation years. Therefore, the non-capital loss balance at the end of the December 31, 2020, taxation year is $2,486 USD. The taxpayer then files a revocation of the functional currency election effective January 1, 2021. As such, the non-capital losses carried forward from the 2020 taxation year will be converted to $3,229 CAD ($2,486 USD x FX rate of 1.2988). In other words, $3,229 CAD of the original $5,000 non-capital loss carried forward from the 2017 taxation year was subject to two currency conversions: first being converted to USD when the functional currency election was filed, and second being converted back to CAD when the functional currency election was revoked.
In the event that losses arise in a year after the functional currency election was revoked (i.e. a reversionary year), where reporting is done in Canadian dollars, and the taxpayer would like to carry back the losses to a year where reporting was done in a functional currency, the loss carried back is to be converted to the functional currency using the relevant spot rate for the last day of the taxpayer’s last functional currency year.