What steps will you take to adapt?

As of June 25, 2024, changes to the capital gains tax are set to take effect, impacting Canadian individuals and businesses alike. We understand the importance of staying ahead in the ever-evolving financial landscape - that's why we're dedicated to providing our clients with the insights and resources they need to navigate these changes confidently while making informed decisions. 

Whether you’re selling stocks, real estate, or other investments, understanding the new capital gains inclusion rates is crucial. We’ve got you covered.

Insights & Resources


Capital Gains Inclusion Rates

Delve into the key changes introduced in Canada's 2024 Federal Budget regarding capital gains inclusion rates and uncover how these adjustments will impact individuals, entrepreneurs, investors, and physicians across Canada.

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Federal Budget 2024: 10 Key Takeaways

On Tuesday, April 16, 2024, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland unveiled the key measures of the 2024 Federal Budget: Fairness for Every Generation. To help you navigate the details, we’ve compiled the top ten key takeaways you should be aware of.

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Vacation Home Hacks: Minimizing Capital Gains

Contact Us

Ananth Balasingam Crowe Soberman
Ananth Balasingam
Partner, Tax
Ananth Balasingam Professional Corporation
Ross Pasceri Crowe Soberman
Ross Pasceri
Partner, Tax
Rosario Pasceri Professional Corporation