Alexis Troup

Alexis  McNeil 

Manager, Marketing, Firm-wide

2410 Manulife Place

10180 - 101 Street

Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 3S4

Alexis joined Crowe MacKay in 2019 and assists in providing strategic direction to the firm’s Marketing efforts. She has many digital marketing skills, including website and intranet management and creation, UX design, search engine optimization, social media management, and newsletter and content curation. Alexis is the Chair of the firm’s CSR Committee where she leans on her passion for the community and sustainability to help provide ‘heart’ in steering the committee’s ideas and direction. She understands that the world of marketing and technology is continuously evolving and takes pride in being knowledgeable of emerging trends and tactics important to her role.


  • Bachelor of Commerce, MacEwan University 
  • Online Marketing Fundamentals, Google
  • Google Analytics, Google
  • Website SEO, GPPL

Community Involvement

  • Offers free marketing consulting and strategy support services to local businesses
  • Former Director of Marketing, oikos International