Crowe BGK Valuations

Valuations, Forensics & Litigation

Forensics & Special Investigations
Litigation Support
Dispute Resolution
Valuation Services
Forensics & Special Investigations

Crowe BGK possesses unique experience in the field of forensics and special investigations. Our team of fraud examiners and forensic specialists investigates asset misappropriation, financial statement misrepresentation and other types of fraud for privately-held businesses, non-profit organizations, banking and other sectors. Our fraud and forensics services also extend to prevention of fraud within our clients’ businesses.

We possess recognized expertise in:

  • Civil and criminal fraud investigations
  • Management and employee fraud and theft
  • Training on fraud awareness and prevention
  • Due diligence audits
  • Professional negligence litigation support
  • Bank due diligence audits
  • Employee background audits
  • Divorce litigation support
  • Insurance claim quantifications
  • Breach of contract quantifications
  • Computer forensics including electronic discovery and data recovery
Litigation Support

Once a forensics investigation is done, the next step is often legal action. Whether you need an expert witness or a litigation consultant, Crowe BGK’s forensic specialists have the experience and expertise you need. Our consultants are fully accredited to meet strict professional requirements. We have provided independent expert reports to legal teams for both claimants and defendants for use as evidence in court.

These credentials are only a starting point. We are also analytical, detail-oriented, insightful, responsive and ethical. As well, we have the ability to take the complex and break it down so as to be able to provide explanations in layman’s terms.

We provide assistance in cases such as:

  • Shareholder disputes
  • Tax-related controversies
  • Minority shareholder disputes and litigation
  • Mediation or arbitration of valuation-related disputes
  • Marital dissolutions
  • Review or expert reports
  • Business damages or economic loss analysis
Dispute Resolution

In business disputes, legal action can often be averted. Crowe BGK provides dispute resolution mechanisms outside the courtroom for these shareholder and business partner matters. Litigation is a time consuming, expensive and public way to resolve disputes. What seems like a small matter for the courts can drag on for many years and result in unlimited costs, with the business being irreparably damaged in the process

Our specialists can assist in resolving these issues and keep partner conflicts out of a courtroom. We act as a neutral party, hired by both sides to help resolve differences in a fair, cost effective way. Information is gathered from all parties involved in order to prepare our analysis of business value. We then meet with the parties involved to reach an agreement on the information and assumptions to be used to value the business. Once we reach an understanding, we calculate value using the data all parties have agreed upon. The result is an accurate, honest business valuation.

Our services include:

  • Analysis of the value of the business interest in dispute
  • Suggested structure of payout based upon the company’s cash flow and ability to obtain financing.
  • Determination of appropriate discounts (if any) related to a particular business interest
  • Determination of market compensation for owner-employees
Valuation Services

Crowe BGK is a trusted provider of business valuation services to support your needs.

Our in-depth experience with closely-held businesses gives us the necessary insight and understanding to deliver valuation services in a variety of situations. As transaction professionals we know how to provide analyses that stand up to the toughest scrutiny and challenges.

At Crowe BGK, we work hard to understand your business and your specific needs in order to provide the level of service and reporting necessary to meet your goals. In some cases, you may need a full business valuation with a comprehensive narrative report that meets or exceeds professional standards. In other cases, you might only need a valuation analysis with a letter that meets minimum disclosure requirements or an estimate of value for internal purposes.

We will:

  • Help you assess the short- and long-term requirements
  • Work to fully understand your business and plans
  • Combine our sound process with a personal approach
  • Deliver a product that provides an accurate, reliable analysis to support your financial decisions
Not only will you get the assistance you need to make business decisions, but we will also help you understand the factors that impact the value of your business. This added insight into the process will help you improve the value of your business, and better plan for the future.


Featured Contacts

Federico Atkinson
Clifford Herer - Crowe BGK
Clifford Herer
Brian Kreisman - Crowe BGK
Brian Kreisman
Managing Partner
Randy Greenstone - Crowe BGK
Randy Greenstone