A Remote Worker’s Guide to Boosting Productivity This Summer

Celine Anne Flote
| 7/31/2024

As the weather gets warmer and the hours of daylight get longer, many employees may find it a bit more challenging than usual to stay engaged in their work during the summertime, specifically remote workers. However, with these challenges come great opportunities to reassess how we engage in our work during the summer months.  

Here are some tips for keeping you in the best state of mind throughout the summer while working remotely: 

1. Optimize Your Workspace 

Something as simple as your workspace can set the tone for your productivity. Optimize your work area by keeping it tidy and enhancing the ambiance. This could look like playing some background music or turning on your essential oil diffuser. Create a space where you want to work. Especially during the summer, adjust the temperature of the room to your liking to stay comfortable throughout the day. 

2. Consider a Change of Scenery 

Feeling a bit stuck in your home office? Shake things up by working in a public space, like a coffee shop, a co-working space or your family’s chalet up north. Believe it or not, being in a public setting can subconsciously increase productivity due to the social pressure to stay focused. Don’t believe me? Maybe try testing it out for yourself! 

3. Staying Active = Staying Energized 

Take advantage of those sunny days by doing something active. Simply going for a 15-minute walk can have a positive impact on your mood and can ultimately lead to enhanced productivity and focus. If the weather is too hot outside, try hitting the gym for a quick session on the treadmill or follow a 10-minute workout video on YouTube. You could also have a nice stretch or consider adding a walking pad to your home office setup. Remember, you don’t need a full HIIT workout to feel the benefits. Incorporating any type of movement throughout your day can help maintain your energy levels. 

4. Be Mindful About What You Put in Your Body 

What you choose to eat and drink can have an impact on how you feel and how productive you are. Start by staying hydrated - drink plenty of water throughout the day and consider jazzing up your drink by adding a few slices of cucumber, lemon, or lime. For an extra boost of energy, consider adding electrolytes to your beverage. When it comes to snacks, choose options that provide sustained energy without causing energy crashes. This could include mixed nuts, greek yogurt and berries, whole grain crackers with cheese or hummus with your favourite veggies. 

5. Boost Your Relational Energy 

Relational energy refers to the positive interpersonal interactions and connections that contribute to a sense of camaraderie, trust and mutual support within a group or team. Without those “water cooler chats” typical in office settings, this sense of camaraderie can be taken away when you work from home. Some ways to increase your relational energy include scheduling virtual coffee breaks with colleagues, going on a coffee run with a roommate or neighbor, or playing outside with your dog or your kids during your lunch break. All of these activities are ways to foster connection and prevent remote workers from feeling isolated. 

6. Work in Short Bursts and Take Frequent Breaks 

Working in short bursts and taking regular breaks can help optimize productivity. Breaks give our brains a chance to rest and reduce fatigue. On the contrary, working for extended periods without breaks in the short-term can decrease concentration, reduce problem-solving and decision-making abilities, while increasing fatigue and stress. Long-term effects can lead to more serious consequences such as burnout, as well as physical and mental health issues. So no need to feel guilty about taking breaks during the day, as they actually help you stay engaged and productive.

7. Treat Yourself 

Don’t be afraid to reward yourself after a long day’s work. Take time to de-stress and recharge by focusing on activities you enjoy. Whether it's taking a leisurely walk in the evening, indulging in a sweet treat like ice cream to cool off during the summer heat, or unwinding with a refreshing dip in the pool, these activities can help you relax and rejuvenate after hours of work. Engaging in hobbies or activities you love can also enhance overall well-being and ensure you remain energized and motivated for the next workday. Conditioning yourself through these rewards can reinforce positive behaviours and contribute to long-term productivity and well-being and honestly – all of us deserve a reward every once in a while! 

8. Take Some Time Off 

Embrace the season by scheduling time away from work to relax and rejuvenate. Even though it may be difficult for some of us to disconnect, giving yourself permission to detach from work responsibilities allows you to unwind, reduces stress levels and allows you to return to work with renewed energy and focus. So whether it’s planning a fun trip with friends or enjoying a staycation with family (even if it’s just for a few days), don’t be afraid to take advantage of the summer to prioritize self-care and enjoy quality time away from your daily work routine.  

At the end of the day, enhancing engagement while working from home doesn't require drastic overhauls to your work routine. Instead, it involves making small, actionable tweaks to your daily schedule that are realistic, achievable, and sustainable. By incorporating even just a few of these adjustments, you can foster productivity, maintain motivation, and create a more fulfilling work-from-home experience over the long term. 


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