John Hosi - Crowe BGK

John Hosi

Partner, Crowe BGK GTC Solutions

4150 Sainte-Catherine Street West, 6th floor

Montreal, Quebec H3Z 2Y5

John Hosi, MBA is the Director of Government Assistance Programs at GTC Solutions, a division of Crowe BGK. John joined Crowe BGK in 2011 as the GTC Director. He has had over 25 years of previous experience in the government funding programs including the R&D tax credits and business grants. He has worked in Montreal, Calgary and Vancouver for both private businesses as an R&D and grants consultant, as well as for lobbying groups in capital generation for large business expansion projects. John is the primary resource person at Crowe BGK for federal and provincial research and development tax credits and grants of all types for industry, scientific institutions, and small and medium size businesses.

John has also worked as a management course instructor at the University of Quebec in Montreal, teaching financial and management subjects. When not working, he is an avid amateur skier and tennis player.


  • MBA Strategic Management, HEC Montréal
  • Bachelor of Arts in Management Information Systems, Concordia University