Our audit services


Our streamlined audit processes result in timely financial reporting and are performed in accordance with ISA
Financial Statements Audit
It is extremely important to be able to have confidence in financial statements The objective of an audit is to enable the auditor to express an opinion whether the financial statements give a true and fair view of the net equity and financial position of your organization. Those audits are performed in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing (ISA).

In a more and more demanding environment our risk-based methodology helps our clients identify risk areas in their day to day business. Our streamlined audit processes result in timely financial reporting and disclosure in line with the expectations of regulators, creditors, investors, personnel and other stakeholders.

Big data analytics is becoming more and more important in the financial world. Our excellent IT tools allow us to analyze big data efficiently and quickly.
Review Engagement

Are you looking for a quick scan of the figures of your organization? Do you not need an audit, but would you like to obtain some comfort on the figures of your organization or is an audit too costly?

Under a review engagement, we, as auditors, will state whether anything has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the financial statements are not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with an applicable financial reporting framework. A review engagement is carried out in accordance with ISRE 2400 or ISRE 2410.

Agreed Upon Procedures Engagement
An expenditure verification relating to projects funded by the European Commission (e.g. Horizon 2020 or Interreg)? EFRO grants? FOST Plus? Recupel?

An agreed-upon procedures engagement is an engagement, in which an auditor is engaged to carry out those procedures of an audit nature to which the auditor and the entity and any appropriate third parties have agreed and to report on factual findings. The recipients of the report form their own conclusions from the report issued by the auditor.

Use the benefits of our streamlined organization, trained pools of experts, and tailored solutions.
Prospective Reporting
An auditor may be engaged to provide a report on forecasts and projections prepared by a business. The engagement may be regulated, for example, in connection with a securities offering to a regulated market, or it may be contractual such as a report upon request of a bank.

The auditor is reporting on the credibility of future financial forecasts and projections. In assessing the credibility of this information the auditor will consider matters as the basis of preparation of the information, the quality of the assumptions used in preparing the information, how the forecasts compare such with external economic forecasts and how the forecasts compare with the historical performance of the business.
Assurance on non-financial information

Increasingly, businesses and their stakeholders need assurance on aspects of their business outside of the purely financial area. This can be a key element of an organization’s control environment, the internal controls of a third-party service provider, the information to be provided by municipalities or AGB’s under the BBC-legislation or can cover an organization’s commitments to its employees or an organization’s efforts in respect of sustainability.

Our assurance work is conducted under a variety of frameworks that are based on international standards. As a result, the assurance services we provide can be tailored to the small, independent business to the larger, multinational businesses.

Engagements preserved for registered auditors in the Belgian Company Code

Our firm can also help you with different assignments preserved for registered auditors under the Belgian Company and Association Code, such as a contribution of capital in kind, the liquidation of the company, the modification of the company’s legal form, a merger or demerger transaction, an interim dividend payment, etc.

We create value for your organization through:

  • Our flexible, well-designed and risk-based audit process
  • Technology that responds to current client needs and encourages employees to work efficiently
  • Clear cut recommendations, that helps you driving your business
  • Prompt identification and communication of issues promoting more respectful business relationships
  • Our awareness about your stakeholders’ views
  • Our low staff rotation

Our Audit department delivers:

  • Financial Statement Audits in accordance with BE GAAP or IFRS
  • Financial Statement Audits in accordance with your Group’s Accounting Principles
  • Review Engagements under ISRE 2400 or ISRE 2410
  • Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagements (ISRS 4400)
  • Certificates on Financial Statements (Forms C) under FP 7 / Horizon 2020
  • Certificates on EFRO cost claims in cross border programs (Grensregio Vlaanderen-Nederland, Euregio Maas-Rijn, France, 2 Seas)
  • Certificates on EFRO cost claims in Transnational programs (North Sea Region & North West Europe)
  • Assurance on forecasts upon request of a bank or in the context of an IPO
  • Assurance on the functioning of internal controls
  • Assurance on the design and effectiveness of the controls of a third party service provider (SAS 70 or ISAE 3402)
  • Social Responsibility Reports
  • Sustainability Reports
  • Assurance on Non-Financial Reporting under the BBC-Besluit
  • Engagements preserved to Registered Auditors in the Belgian Company Code

Contact us

Guy Meerbergen
Guy Meerbergen
Callens Vandelanotte
Filip Remmery
Callens Vandelanotte