Our challenges

Our challenges

Audit and Accounting

Looking for an accountant or editor?

A high quality and reliability of financial information are crucial for your organization. The reporting and publication of financial information becomes more and more important is this regulatory world.

How can we help you?

As independent and wide-experienced accountant or auditor, we can be the solution for your concerns. Discover how we can assist you in accounting, financial audit, IT-audit, internal audit and so much more.


Business Advisory

Growing a business?

If growing your business is one of the major challenges of your company, it will be important to act and decide fast on new evolutions in the market. Being flexible and dynamic are modern-day conditions of business success. Adapting your internal processes to your growing business is crucial to succeed with your plans.

How can we help you?

As independent expert we can make the difference. We can offer you professional advice to support the growth of your company. We can assist you in developing your internal processes, financial or IT-audits, mergers and acquisitions and restructurings.


Business Transactions

Becoming a business owner or selling the business, you need to develop and challenge through growth assignments. They represent a unique challenge where professional support from a dedicated specialist is required. Be well assisted, decide smart and create lasting value! 
How can we help you?

  • Prepare your business for selling with a Vendor Due Diligence Report. 
  • Be aware of the correct value of a business before you buy or sell it.
  • Fully understand the business and the financials you are buying. 
  • Provide a full scope of professional services after the transaction was concluded.


Business Creation

Starting a business?

Starting a business involves planning, making key financial decisions and completing a series of legal activities. It is important to be assisted by wide-experienced and independent professionals.

How can we help you?

If you are thinking of starting business we are your ideal partner. We can assist you in making your business plan, assist you in taking strategic decisions and ensure that you comply with all legal and regulatory requirements.


Data Protection

Data not being protected?

More and more data is stored not only on your internal systems, products and services, but also on customers.  You are responsible for the protection of the personal information stored.  The upcoming Global Data Protection Regulation imposes a large number of obligations related to the data protection and the management of the user rights. Namely in case of data breach, you have an obligation to inform the national supervisory authority and impacted customer.

How can we help you?

We offer a set of services related to the Global Data Protection Regulation starting with a readiness check or data protection impact assessment.  We are able to assist with the implementation of the requirements of the GDPR. 


Financial Services

Not compliant with prudential requirements?

You are not sure about the implementation of the last circulars of the National Bank or the FSMA? You are struggling with the interpretation of MiFID, MiFIR, EMIR? You look for more guidance about the requirements of Solvency II or Basel III or any other requirement in the financial services industry? You want to set up an internal audit function as pension fund or stockbroker or you just want some assistance with the P40 reporting requirements

How can we help you?

Our experts in financial services can help you with a GAP analysis and an action plan to overcome shortcomings. They can create regulatory awareness in your organization. As external service provider, we can operate as your internal auditor and help you fulfill your reporting requirements.


  • Regulatory Risk
  • Finance
    • Banking
    • Insurance
    • Pension Funds

Is my corporate governance structure what it should be?

For many of our clients, whether small and medium entities, subsidiaries of quoted companies, public sector entities or hospitals, different governance frameworks are available, but it sometimes takes time to change organizational structures or cultural behaviour.

How can we help you?

We can help you benchmark your governance structure with the existing frameworks (Belgian code on corporate governance, SME governance code Buysse, ICURO’s Hospital Governance Framework, Leidraad Interne Controle en Organisatiebeheersing van de Vlaamse Overheid, etc.)


IT Risk Advisory

IT risks not under controls

Organisations are facing with the further digitalisation multiple new risks related to the digital strategy,  innovation, business transformation, staff competencies,  information protection, business continuity,  etc.  Did you assess the potential consequences of these risks and mitigate them through the implementation of appropriate measures.

How can we help you?

We are able to perform a full assessment of the IT or digital risks and recommend the adequate mitigating controls to be implemented.



Are my reporting requirements fulfilled?

As an entrepreneur, you have a great feeling for starting, managing and growing your organisation. Your focus is creating added-value for your customers and other stakeholders. Our focus is to help you with this mission. You know your business; our specialists know your reporting requirements, whether they are legal requirements or just fine-tuning internal management reporting requirements.

How can we help you?

  • Provide accounting services to make you fully compliant with local accounting, VAT and corporation tax requirements.
  • Prepare group reporting requirements under BE GAAP or IFRS.
  • Provide audit & assurance services
  • Assist you with the preparation of any reporting your regulators require from you.
  • Set up internal management reporting that delivers your management with key information on KPI’s and financials in order to make decisions that create lasting value!


Risk Advisory

Are my controls really aligned to my business needs?

As small or medium entity, public sector entity or not for profit organization you are convinced you have some controls in place, but you are not sure they help you mitigate the key risks in your business and achieving your strategic objectives. Or you are not certain they are also operating effectively

How can we help you?

With a quick review and some interviews in your organisation we can assess  the design of your internal controls, and close the gaps with to the point recommendations. Whether you go for a detailed risk-control matrix or a one-page summary of our findings, you will always have a clear understanding on the gaps and the needs to improve your controls.



Paying too much tax?

Tax legislation is permanently changing and has become very complex. At any moment, new international rules, decisions by the European Commission or the Court of Justice of the European Union can have an impact on the business.

How can we help you?

Thanks to our expertise and our permanent follow up of the changing legislation, we can assist you in the optimisation of your tax situation and the fulfillment of your tax obligations.



Transferring business to the next generation

Private company owners want to transfer their business to the next generation in the most appropriate way. They should consider the tax aspects of the transfer, and combine these with their wishes and expectations while transferring the business.

How can we help you?

We can assist you in discussing your wishes and expectations and advise you on the legally and fiscally most appropriate way of transferring the business.
