

Audit and financial reporting must be compliant and future-focused, as the implications of not getting it right can be serious.

With industry expertise, changing regulations, evolving technologies, and increasing competition, it is sometimes difficult to decide how to run a business effectively. We can help you with that by negotiating transparently with stakeholders, and presenting facts and reports about your business.

Crowe & Asatryans LLC provides audit services:

  • Audit of financial statements
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
  • According to EU, ADB, WB grant and loan program standards
  • According to the US GAAP
  • Audit of other GAAP Financial Statements
  • Expenses Verification / Assurance
  • Other related services.

Insights and news

The Central Bank of Armenia raised the refinancing rate....
The forecast is predicated on an easing of geopolitical tensions...
A set of amendments to the law on noncash payments...