Assurance and Related

Assurance and Related Engagements

We offer assurance over a broad range of information and activities of our clients
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How It Works!

Independent assurance and verification adds credibility to your organization’s disclosures, reporting, processes and controls.

We offer assurance over a broad range of information and activities of our clients to:


Help uphold ‘trust’ by assuring the accuracy and completeness of the information used by organizations and stakeholders

Add value beyond the financial statement audit by providing assurance over other business value drivers such as governance, risk, internal controls and KPIs.

We can assist both public and private sector organizations to add credibility to reporting and disclosures provided to stakeholders such as regulators, shareholders, investors, customers/suppliers and government bodies.


We at Crowe Horwath – Afghanistan offer the following combination of engagements under International Standards on Related Services (ISRE).


Reasonable assurance

Review engagement

Compliance engagement

Agreed-upon procedures engagement

Compilation engagement

Specialized Areas (ISA 800, 805 & 810)