Zero Rating on Export of Services in the UAE

Zero Rating on Export of Services in the UAE

Zero Rating on Export of Services in the UAE

The Federal Tax Authority clarifies the conditions for the zero-rating treatment of export of services relating to the residency and location of the recipient of services.

Conditions for Zero-rating

  • Customer’s place of residence is outside the UAE.
  • Customer is outside the UAE when the services are performed.

1.    Customer’s place of residence is outside the UAE:

a.    Definition of Place of Residence

  • Place of Establishment (PE) – Where customer is legally established in which significant management decisions are taken.
  • Fixed Establishment (FE) – Fixed place in which the customer conducts business regularly or permanently and where sufficient human and technology resources exist.

b.    Determination of Place of Residence:

  • If there is a multiple establishment – Where the establishment most closely related to the services is located.

2.    Customer is outside the UAE when the services are performed if:

  • Presence in the UAE is less than a month; AND
  • Presence is not effectively connected with the supply.

How can Crowe Help?

  • Determining the Recipient’s residency status and location at the time the services are performed.
  • Determining whether export of services is subject to zero rating.
  • Preparing documents to support zero rating treatment of export of services.

Contact Us

Markus Susilo
Markus Susilo
Partner- Payroll and Indirect Tax
Michel Ruitenberg
  Partner DIFC - Indirect Taxes