Quality? What Does It Even Mean?
In professional services, we hear frequently the word quality, so do we really know what does this word mean?
Professionals tend to go with the flow when performing their advisory work, and going with the flow by itself is a dangerous path.
When we want to identify real quality, we will find a genuine willingness to do a good job. It is simply practicing professional scepticism, or applying standards, or following best practices.
Quality is a mindset of applying your maximum efforts, using your knowledge, demonstrating integrity, professionalism and service excellence. However, time constraints, budget challenge, supervision, just to name few of the reasons, why quality can be impacted.
I sincerely believe, that quality is something directly linked to our personality, how do we deal with situations, how do we like to be perceived, and most importantly how important it is for us to satisfy ourselves and our ego of being near perfectionists.